Your Awesome Counselors:


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Your Awesome Counselors: 7th Grade Registration Your Awesome Counselors: Ms. Johnson A-De Ms. Christensen Di-Ha Ms. Thomas He-O Ms. Gerber P-Z

Why Eisenhower Junior High is the Best! Block scheduling Daily Math and English Variety of classes Variety of clubs and sports Incentive Programs 200 club No Tardy Party 5 Star General The best teachers and administrators around!!

Choosing Your Classes… Counselors will identify ESL/Resource students English (every day) Regular or Honors Social Studies (semester class) Science Math (every day)

Honors Classes (English, Social Studies, Science, Math) Students and parents have the option of enrolling into honor level classes. How are honor classes different than regular classes? Faster pace More homework More reading More writing More independent projects Possible summer homework Parents must sign registration card and honors letter before student can be enrolled into these classes!

Choosing Your Classes… CCA (College and Career Awareness) Every 7th grader takes this class; 3 rotations PE Every 7th grader has to take at least 1 semester of PE Keyboarding HIGHLY recommended Elective choices Descriptions Rank top 7 semester electives

Student Government (SBO) SBOs plan and run four assemblies throughout the year. They plan spirit week . They make posters and bulletins to let you know what’s going on around the school. They do service projects. Learn about leadership. Tryouts will be in August!

Register for Latinos in Action (LIA) The purpose of LIA is to empower Latino students, and all others in the class, to lead and strengthen their community through college and career readiness. Year-long elective Must keep a 3.0 GPA and CPA Tutor at Fremont Elementary once a week Expected to attend school and class activities Expected to set a great example Class has a $10 fee *Being fluent in Spanish is a major bonus!* Get an application from your counselor and return it with your registration papers!

Take Theatre classes at Eisenhower Jr. High! You can even audition for Drama Company, our advanced performance group on February 7th & 8th. Go to for more information. We can’t wait to meet you!

Dance @ EJH Join the FUN! Dance 1A Dance 1B Dance Company

Dance Company Auditions January 31st & February 1st Must attend both days! Bring: Dance Clothing Water Bottle A one minute dance that shows off your best moves!

20th Century History What we learn about… Movies Art Dancing History Politics War Books Sports News If it was done in the 20th century, we learn about it! A fun, enjoyable, and low pressure class that lets us learn about world cultures and have a lot of fun during it!

Choosing Your Classes… Full Year Electives Foundation Band/Strings: This year-long class offers beginning instruction on the band and orchestra instruments. If band/orchestra was not available at your elementary, this is the class for you! Students who have had elementary music instruction or private lessons may audition for the Concert Band or Concert Orchestra classes. Dance Co: by audition only; see Steinberg (E2): this course is for advanced performing dancers. Drama Company: by audition only; See Roh (E1): For all grades. Students must audition on February 7-8 to be considered. This is an advanced theatre class which requires a time commitment but is very rewarding. French 1: emphasis on listening and speaking skills through reading and writing in addition to an overview of French culture. Spanish 1: emphasis on listening and speaking skills through reading and writing in addition to an overview of Spanish culture. Chinese 1: listening and speaking skills will be emphasized in addition to an introduction to written Chinese characters.  

Tryouts! SBO: talk to Ms. Mauer at beginning of next year! DRAMA CO. Tryouts: February 7th – 8th DANCE CO. Tryouts: January 31st & February 1st CHEER Tryouts: March 23rd – 28th

Choosing Your Classes… Semester Electives Dance 1A: development of physical strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, and total fitness. Students will develop creative abilities through choreography, improvisation and performance. Dance 1B: expansion of dance vocabulary and skills and development of creative abilities. Prerequisite: Dance 1A. Theatre 1A: For all grades. Introduction to theatre and performing. Students will only perform in class and learn all the basics of drama/theatre. Theatre 1B: For all grades. MUST have taken Theatre 1A as this is a continuation of that class. Prerequisite: Theatre 1A. Girls/Boys Choirs: For any grade. If you’re not sure what you think about choir, it’s only one semester, give it a try! Performs in one choir concert. Art Foundations: emphasis on understanding works of art, color and design theory, and developing basic skills in drawing. 20th Century: focus people, problems, and progress in the 20th century. PE 7: introduction to individual and team activities and to the elements of physical fitness: strength, endurance and flexibility.

Important Info Registration cards must be signed by a parent and returned to your teacher by February 20th. Parents MUST sign registration card AND honors permission slip to be enrolled into honors level classes! If you do not return your registration card signed, counselors will choose your classes for you!!