Hampton ELL Parent Club Meeting December 2, 2016
Rochester Hills Public Library! Welcome Rochester Hills Public Library! www.rhpl.org
Around Rochester this Month:
Come see our Hampton Hornet Float December 4: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Rochester Downtown Rochester 2016 Hometown Parade Come see our Hampton Hornet Float Arrive Early to get a good seat!! Dress warm *Rochester Rd closing at 1:00 pm* The parade will start at Rochester Rd and Tienken Rd and end at Third Street and Rochester Rd
Around Rochester this Month, continued:
Hampton Spirit Fridays Hampton Spirit Wear Day Dec. 2nd Popcorn Friday Dec. 9th Cost per bag: $1.00 Order form in Classroom Meets guidelines for quantity and ingredient label “Spirit Days” RED and GREEN Day Dec. 16th
Winter Concert, Dec. 6th 4th and 5th graders at performing School performance: 2 pm (school only) Community performance: 7 pm 4th and 5th graders must arrive by 6:15 pm to their classrooms
Hampton Elementary Book Fair at Barnes and Noble Thursday, December 8 from 3:30-6 pm Join us for a creative and fun night hosted by Hampton Elementary School. 3:30-4 – Stop by Hampton's welcome table to get all your Book Fair gear and your scavenger hunt! 4:00 – Join us for a Story Time in the Kid’s section! 4:30 – Are you ready to color? Hampton Elementary will present a fun coloring and craft session. 5:00 – Who will our guest reader be? Join us for another Story Time in the Kid’s section. 5:30 – In our Music section, we are going to sing sing sing! 6:00 – As we end the night, we'll be having a raffle to celebrate the season. Visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support us online from 12/8 to 12/14 by entering Bookfair ID 11990702 at checkout. Children must be accompanied by a parent at all times
Winter Break NO SCHOOL December 22nd to January 3rd Open Enrollment Window - January 5-26 If you have a student here at Hampton on an open enrollment permit, you must reapply to have your student stay at Hampton for the 2015-2016 school year (next year) during the Open Enrollment Window. No exceptions can be made.
Parent Center Upcoming Classes December 1 – Situational English 10 am December 1– Easy Household Finance, Day 1, 1 pm December 6– Christmas Wreath Project, 10 am December 8 – Situational English 10 am December 8 – Easy Household Finance, Day 2, 1 pm December 13– Cozy Fleece Blanket, 10 am December 15– Situational English 10 am
Hampton ESL Newsletter http://www. rochester. k12. mi
ESL Family Night Would you like to boost your child’s success in American school? Learn about the structure of US schools Come get your questions answered Planned for January at the Board Office Children are invited to come and participate in activities while parents meet Would you be interested? Which day of the week works best? Wed. or Thurs? What time works best? 5:00 or 6:00?
January 13, 2017 Next Parent Club… We will discuss: strategies to help your child become a better writer and Answer questions about the upcoming WIDA testing.