News From Rooms 310 & 313 August 22 – 26, 2016 Marlow Elementary 912-728-3262 August 22 – 26, 2016 Specials Mon: *PE (P); *PE (S) Tues: Art (P); Tech (S) Wed: Music (P); *PE (S) Thurs: *PE (P); Art (S) Fri: Tech (P); Music (S) *Wear Tennis Shoes Notes Sept 2nd is the last day to pre-pay $25 for ice cream. The 1st day for ice cream will be on Sept. 7th. Be sure to send a note with your student if there is a change in his or her regular transportation Be sure to send a note to excuse your student’s absence Receive text messages from Mrs. Phillips: Mrs. Phillips’s HR text @149a8 to 81010 Miss Stewart’s HR text @e4d4h to 81010 Receive text messages from Miss Stewart: text @msrstew to 81010 Mrs. Melissa Phillips (P) Twitter: @MelissaMES313 Instagram: @mrs.phillipsmes313 Miss Rebecca Stewart (S) Mrs. Jennafer Busbie Upcoming Events Aug 25: Picture Day; Dress Down Aug. 26: Spirit Day; wear jeans and any MES shirt Aug. 31: Mrs. Phillips Out ½ Day Sept 1: Bus Safety Sept 2: Ice Cream Pre-payment due $25.00 Sept. 5: No School Sept. 6: 1st 9 Weeks Progress Reports; Stewart and Busbie out ½ day Sept. 22: 1st day of Good News Club (GNC) Sept. 30: Spirit Day Oct 5: Report Cards English Language Arts This week we will practice the following skills: Fragments Run-on Sentences Capitalization Compound Sentences Characterization Our Ped Quiz has been moved to Wednesday, August 24th. Social Studies This week we will practice Map & Globe Skills. Look for a study guide to come home on Aug. 29th. We will have a test on Sept. 2nd. Math Unit 1: Whole numbers, place value, and rounding. We will focus this week on estimating products and word problems Performance task Friday, August 26th Test Wednesday, August 31st Science This week we will review the water cycle and states of matter, take a test, and move into studying clouds. Study guide will be completed in class. Water Cycle and States of Matter test Wednesday, August 24th.