MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd BW - Turn the following fragments (incomplete sentences) into grammatically correct sentences: The loud stereo that kept me up all night. The gorgeous sunrise breaking on the horizon. The obnoxious child only a mother could love. Reading The Great Gatsby until dawn. While the mother stood outside waiting. CLOSE READING LESSON – CHAPTER 6
Wednesday Pre-AP – get slip from the outbox. Create an outline of your thoughts. Pre-write. Write your paper When finished, staple your annotated text to your paper and turn into the inbox.
ELA – which question was the most difficult from Monday’s close reading? Explain? Wednesday
RESPONSE ELA – This is due when you come to class on Thursday Writing Task (see handout): Many components of Orwell’s allegory have developed throughout this book. Thoroughly explain the allegorical connections to the Russian Revolution/Stalin era and support with evidence laid out in chapter six. Write a response using your understanding of the word choice and details revealed in the passage to present your opinions about what George Orwell is trying to get the audience to understand about the theme in the novel.
ELA ORGANIZE YOUR THOUGHTS Write your paper VENN DIAGRAM? OUTLINE? T-CHART? Write your paper When finished, staple your annotated text to your paper and turn into the inbox.
THURSDAY QW – Which Animal Farm character is the most important? Why? Use evidence to back it up.
FINISH CHAPTER 6 as needed Characterization of Animal Farm character Teams will draw out a character: Snowball, Napoleon, Squealer, Boxer, Old Major, Mr. Jones Each team member will write up their ideas (use form taped to your table as a guide) Remember text support Share out your findings – similarities/differences/strengths/weaknesses
BODY BIOGRAPHY (see handout) Body Biography of your character Select different segments of the body, quotes are required (3 per person) #1 person - Head: Thinking and analysis #2 person - Spine and heart: Important accomplishments and what is most important to them #3 person - Legs: What they stood for (beliefs) #4 person - Arms and hands: Good and bad qualities, work that they did or didn’t contributed Argue: Why is your character the most important character? You must thoroughly explain the connection between your character and the Russian Revolution, and defend why it is the most important. You must also predict what would be the best argument against you, and counter why that argument is wrong with your best support. You can do this in a bullet (list) format instead of writing a paragraph. You will also create a 6 Word Memoir and write that (about your character) on your body biography.
FRIDAY CONTINUE YESTERDAY/DEFEND/DISCUSS QW - “This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.” I connected with this immediately with things that I see within my life and the world. How can you connect this with yours? What is the hidden meaning? How else did Squealer or Napoleon assert and/or confuse the followers? How are they able to do this? Can you see this prevalent within your life here at school? The world? CONTINUE YESTERDAY/DEFEND/DISCUSS