Multi-Modal Trip Planner System (MMTPS) UIC Computational Transportation Science Thursday, November 1st 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
MMTPS Project Overview Scope Demonstration of a Web-Based Multi-Modal Trip Planner Vision Include Transit, Driving, and other Modes Incorporate Historical or Real-time Data to Compute Travel Times Provide Information on Transit and Traffic Incidents and Delays Comply with ITS Standards 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
MMTPS Project Objectives Demonstrate Multi-Modal Trip Planner Feasibility Study Ridership Impacts Test implementation of ITS Standards Provide a Model Deployment for other Regions The FTA project objectives of the Multimodal Trip Planner Demonstration is to: -determine the feasibility of the vision -study ridership impacts - demonstrate the technical and institutional feasibility of a standards-based, integrated, multimodal trip planner, 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
Project Partners and Stakeholders National Level USDOT Volpe Center Oregon DOT Portland Tri-Met Bay Area MTC NYSDOT OCTA Transport Direct WMATA Local Level CTA, Metra and Pace RTA TIC IDOT ISTHA CMAP CNT Standard Parking Chicagoland Bicycle Federation 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
Regional Transit ITS Program (RTIP) 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
Project Approach Use of Systems Engineering Principles Concept of Operations Technical Requirements Detailed Design Implementation Validation & Verification The project will follow a systems engineering approach. The RTA is currently working on the ConOps. Next steps include the System Requirements/High-level design….etc… 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
Core System Development Project Approach Implement in a phased structure Phase 1: Core System Development Phase II: Additional Content & Functionality Transit Trip Planning Driving Directions Real-Time Traffic Conditions Parking Data Emissions Avoided Data Attractions Data Real-Time Arterial Travel Times Real-Time Transit Information Phase I will focus on developing the core system as envisioned by the FTA. This includes a transit trip planning, driving directions and a combination of transit and driving. For example, a combined route would include driving to a train station, parking your car, and taking transit to your end destination. Phase I will also include real-time traffic conditions. Phase II will add functionality to the core multimodal trip planning system including: Real-time arterial travel times, Parking Data, and emissions avoided calculations. The project management structure will include both local and national stakeholder participation, as the FTA hopes to lay the groundwork for successfully implementing regional multimodal trip planners in other regions. 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
Project Approach Assess Technology Options Alternative 1: Existing Systems Integration Alternative 2: Enhanced Systems Integration Alternative 3: Open Source (OS) Development Alternative 4: Customize Existing OS Efforts Alternative 5a: COTS - HAFAS Itinerary Trip Planner Alternative 5b: COTS – MENTZ Intermodal Journey Planner Alternative 6: Combination 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
Detailed Design 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
Evaluation Does it affect mode choice? System costs and effect on other agency costs Development Operations and maintenance Analyze effects on call center, using existing data on call volume, types of calls, customer wait time (cost/call) Monitor use of MMTPS and component systems (implications for costs of Operations and Management) Technical and institutional issues Use of ATIS and TCIP standards Technical issues associated with data Coordination, communication, staff response, training, other institutional issues 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
MMTPS Development Site The web survey was installed at the RTA’s transit trip planning website, TripsWeb,, and the Gary Chicago Milwaukee’s (GCMs) Traveler Information System website, Approximately 1,000 respondents (500 from TripsWeb and 500 from voluntarily chose to participate in the survey and received no incentive. The survey was conducted in an 8-day period and received a 61% completion rate. In total, 14,382 randomly selected visitors were invited to complete the survey. 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System
Project Status Concept of Operations – August 2005 System Req./High-Level Design – September 2006 Alternatives Analysis – November 2006 Detailed Design – January 2006 Implementation – November 2007 Validation & Verification Volpe Evaluation ITS Standards Test The project will follow a systems engineering approach. The RTA is currently working on the ConOps. Next steps include the System Requirements/High-level design….etc… 11/27/2018 Multi-Modal Trip Planner System