The ________________ 1517 Martin Luther: The Rebel One Shot. One Opportunity.
Background – a loss of confidence The Church was extremely wealthy ____________-many not very concerned with spiritual matters Pope Leo X was trying to raise money to build a big____________in Rome (selling indulgences) The __________THE church in Western Europe _________had devastated Europe – people thought God was punishing them & Church couldn’t stop it _________- pay money in order to get into heaven.
Pope Leo and his crib
The Protester ____________was a strange person plagued by the idea that he could never be good enough for God to love ______________when he was frightened by being caught outside during a thunder storm Was very ______________ salvation – confessed his sins for hours, fasted, went without sleep, trying to make up for sins
Luther’s cell as a monk Cell sweet Cell
Luther’s Breakthrough Developed the idea of justification by faith ________________________________ __________________________________ Luther wanted to share this information with everyone ___________________________________ The Pope just wanted $$ for his cathedral in Rome
The Conflict A ____________was in town, ____________(get out of Purgatory free cards), giving people guilt-trips “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs” – John Tetzel’s selling slogan Signed by John Tetzel, with whom Luther has his disagreement
The 95 Theses Luther began seeing the _____________, especially in selling indulgences _________________about indulgences and the church’s power __________________________________door in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517 causing a debate to begin
Spread of Luther’s Ideas Printing press let Luther’s ideas spread quickly – Luther becomes even more radical and gains popular support Pope condemns Luther ________________________________________ in the public square German princes called Luther to the town of Worms, for a diet, or meeting Told Luther to take back what he’d said Luther ________________ ________________________and is forced to go into hiding German princes use Reformation as a rallying cry to free Germany of Papal interference
The Results People soon take up __________________________________and religious/political problems all over Europe _________________________________– it would remain split between Catholics and Protestants Luther’s protector, Frederick the Wise
Protestant Reformation Task Create a comic strip (at least four slides) depicting the stages of the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther is the main character and should be included on every slide. For each slide, write a short explanation (at least two sentences each).