UN and Media Felix Dodds Session 9
Press Conference
This session Approaching and communicating with journalists Approaching and communicating with journalists Communicating through and with local and national media Communicating through and with local and national media Accessing international media at MEA meetings Accessing international media at MEA meetings Organizing press conferences Organizing press conferences Setting broader communications strategies Setting broader communications strategies
Why work with Media at UN The primary objectives of NGO media activities in MEA processes are to increase public awareness of: The issues – and how these affect nations, economies and individuals The issues – and how these affect nations, economies and individuals The positions of NGOs The positions of NGOs The activities of NGOs in the field The activities of NGOs in the field
Why work with the media? Gaining media coverage by major news organizations can help NGOs to: Gaining media coverage by major news organizations can help NGOs to: Influence the positions of governments during negotiations. Influence the positions of governments during negotiations. Increase pressure on political leaders to support effective policies at home Increase pressure on political leaders to support effective policies at home Build active public constituencies that support continued action within countries and regions. Build active public constituencies that support continued action within countries and regions.
Who the UN Media are The press corps that reports on intergovernmental conferences and from each of the major UN venues represents a tremendous potential communications resource. In New York: There are more than 200 correspondents regularly covering the UN There are more than 200 correspondents regularly covering the UN They report for over 100 major newspapers, magazines, news agencies, television networks and radio stations They report for over 100 major newspapers, magazines, news agencies, television networks and radio stations These serve virtually every country and geographical region. These serve virtually every country and geographical region. Media will also attend from capitals wih visiting Ministers Media will also attend from capitals wih visiting Ministers
NGO and UN Radio UN Official Press Conferences can be found on the UN web site UN Official Press Conferences can be found on the UN web site UN radio sometimes covers issues and interviews people UN radio sometimes covers issues and interviews people Ngo newsletters at the CSD: Ngo newsletters at the CSD: Earth Negotiations Bulletin Earth Negotiations Bulletin Taking Issue Taking Issue Outreach Outreach
What to give the press Media Advisories Media Advisories Press Releases Press Releases Complete Complete Clearly written and comprehendible Clearly written and comprehendible Concise Concise Current Current Correct Correct
Press Kits, or Media Packages The press release [and perhaps a previous release on a relevant subject] The press release [and perhaps a previous release on a relevant subject] Charts or diagrams showing relevant statistics Charts or diagrams showing relevant statistics Edited quotes from background documents or NGO statements Edited quotes from background documents or NGO statements Biographies of the leading NGOs and press conference speakers Biographies of the leading NGOs and press conference speakers Copies of previous news articles Copies of previous news articles Photos of lead individuals or of scenes illustrating the problem or possible strategies for resolving it Photos of lead individuals or of scenes illustrating the problem or possible strategies for resolving it A chronology explaining the substance and politics of the issue A chronology explaining the substance and politics of the issue Contact information for your coalition organizations and other relevant organizations, offices, resources and websites. Contact information for your coalition organizations and other relevant organizations, offices, resources and websites.
Whats the priority? [answer: Its the issue.] Provide factual information that the public wouldnt ordinarily obtain. Provide factual information that the public wouldnt ordinarily obtain. Help frame or interpret the facts so that journalists and their audiences can see how those should lead them to support or oppose specific policies or actions. Help frame or interpret the facts so that journalists and their audiences can see how those should lead them to support or oppose specific policies or actions. Build broad based public and political support for positive environmental, social or economic policies. Build broad based public and political support for positive environmental, social or economic policies. Encourage individuals to effect action in their own daily lives. Encourage individuals to effect action in their own daily lives. Publicize your own organization or its leaders so that they gain the stature to influence future policy debates. Publicize your own organization or its leaders so that they gain the stature to influence future policy debates.
Discuss what could be the elements of a CSF Media strategy Before you go: Before you go: TV TV Radio Radio Newspapers Newspapers Web Web When you are there When you are there When you come back When you come back