Tuesday March 28, 2017 I can: Agenda Catalyst HW: IP: Karyotypes explain what information can be obtained from a karyotype Agenda (10) Catalyst (15) GN: Karyotypes (40) Karyotype Case Study (15) IP: Karyotypes Catalyst What determines a person’s biological sex? Why do you think nondisjunction results in genetic disorders? How many chromosomes are there in every cell in your body? HW: IP: Karyotypes
Why must scientists observe a cell’s genetic material during mitosis? Scientists can visualize the chromosomes in a cell by photographing them while they are condensed in mitosis. Why must scientists observe a cell’s genetic material during mitosis?
A picture of chromosomes arranged in sets and according to size is called a karyotype. Human karyotype Humans have 2 sets of 23 chromosomes (46 in total). each pair of chromosomes is homologous – they are the same size and contain the same genetic information
23 Half (23) of your chromosomes come from your father… from mom from dad 23 …and half (23) come from your mother. The fertilized egg, or zygote, has all 46 chromosomes necessary for life.
A picture of chromosomes arranged in sets and according to size is called a karyotype. Human karyotype The 23rd pair of chromosomes are sex chromosomes. They determine the sex of the individual. females: XX males: XY
Sex chromosomes X chromosome Y chromosome The Y chromosome contains very few genes of importance, other than the SRY gene, which determines maleness.
A picture of chromosomes arranged in sets and according to size is called a karyotype. Human karyotype The remaining 22 pairs are called autosomes.
Dog karyotype
Mouse karyotype
T-P-S Does the size of the genome (how many chromosomes there are) correlate with the complexity of the organism?
XX XY Y X All human eggs carry an X chromosome. after one round of meiosis… All human eggs carry an X chromosome. Sperm can contain an X or Y chromosome. XX XY There is a 50% chance that the zygote produced from the fertilized egg is female (XX), and there is a 50% chance that it is male (XY).
What sex is this individual? Karyotypes can tell us two important things: the sex of an individual, and whether there is a genetic disorder. What sex is this individual?
What sex is this individual? Karyotypes can tell us two important things: the sex of an individual, and whether there is a genetic disorder. What sex is this individual?
What’s wrong with this individual? If nondisjunction occurs during the formation of gametes, abnormal numbers of chromosomes result Down Syndrome is the result of trisomy 21, or 3 copies of chromosome 21.
What’s wrong with this individual? Klinefelter’s Syndrome (XXY)
What’s wrong with this individual? Turner Syndrome (XO)
Karyotype Case Study Go to my teacher website, under “Biology”, 1st link under Unit 4 Copy (ctrl + c) and paste (ctrl + v) the link Read introduction Click “patient histories” Complete Patient A’s Karyotype (match chromosomes) Answer questions A1 and A2 (Google Doc) Redo with Patient B and C Add info. from board and share with me