Life After Little Bighorn
Life After Little Bighorn After the Battle of Little Bighorn, the Americans took revenge, attacking Native Americans, even those tribes who did not fight in the battle. The buffalo had disappeared, from Americans over-hunting them, and the Native American way of life had changed.
Life After Little Bighorn With no buffalo to hunt, the Sioux and other Indians on the Great Plains were forced to live off handouts from the US government. Watch the video clip. In what ways are the American government trying to change the Native American way of life?
The Ghost Dance What was the Ghost Dance meant to do? What do you think the Americans thought of the Ghost Dance?
that the Sioux were peaceful? Wounded Knee 7th Cavalry soldiers were ordered to arrest and disarm a Sioux band of Ghost Dancers under Chief Big Foot. Big Foot’s camp numbered 350 Sioux, including 230 women and children. The Camp flew a white flag of peace from Big Foot’s tipi. On 29th December 1890, 470 U.S. soldiers (armed with rifles and Hotchkiss guns) moved on the camp. Chief Big Foot How many Sioux were camped at Wounded Knee? 2. What evidence is there that the Sioux were peaceful? Hotchkiss Gun
“The American troopers found only two rifles. Black Coyote refused to hand over his rifle – shouting that he had paid much money for it. He fired his gun and immediately soldiers returned fire . A few Sioux tried to run away. Then the Hotchkiss gun on the hill opened fire – firing a shell a second. Many men women and children were killed” 3. Why do you think Black Coyote refused to hand over his rifle? 4. How did the American soldiers react? 5. How many Sioux were killed at Wounded Knee? Over 300 men, women and children were killed at Wounded Knee. They were buried in a mass grave, many still wearing their “invincible” Ghost Shirts.
Was Wounded Knee a Battle or a Massacre? Using what you already know, and what you saw in the video clip, write a paragraph in your exercise books explaining whether you think Wounded Knee was a battle or a massacre and why.