Group Analysis of Topic Sentences
Analysis Of Topic Sentences Group Task Choose one member’s promo script to analyze Type out question and thesis on slide 3 Choose one topic sentence to improve on using slides 4 and 5 Type out reflection on slide 6
Type Question Here Type out the thesis statement* *Note if thesis is problematic, please modify it or choose another essay
Topic Sentence Evaluation I Copy and paste one problematic topic sentence here Type out analysis and evaluation on these 4 qualities Navigation (Lacking any transition words/phrases that indicate the function of paragraph (e.g. direct support, concession, rebuttal ) and aid logical flow?) Specificity (Is it clear what area or issue this point is focused on?) Argument (Is there embedded argument? Clear premise and conclusion?) Supports Thesis (Does the argument clearly support the thesis directly?)
Topic Sentence Evaluation I Now rewrite the topic sentence here Briefly explain how you have addressed the 4 qualities Navigation Specificity Argument Thesis Support
Ending Reflection Type out responses to the following How does having good topic sentences help the writer? How does having good topic sentences help the reader? ICE MILO is the best drink in the world. Do you agree?
Blog Commenting Make an informed response to a post on the first page (save your text first before submitting to avoid disappointment with failed loads) Now make an informed reply to any comments made by your peers