User guide to CEP website Daria Janssen, CEP Communication Officer May
What can you find on the CEP website?
Contents of this presentation Slide 4 - Knowledge baseKnowledge base Slide 5 - Probation in EuropeProbation in Europe Slide 6 - CEP related documentsCEP related documents Slide 7 - Google SearchGoogle Search Slide 8 - Members SectionMembers Section Slide 9 - NewsNews Slide 10 - Twitter feedsTwitter feeds Slide 11 - EuroVistaEuroVista Slide 12 - BannerBanner Slide 13 - Foreign National PrisonersForeign National Prisoners Slide 14 - Register of ExpertsRegister of Experts Slide 15 - CEP organizationCEP organization Slide 16 - French and EnglishFrench and English Slide 17 - NewsletterNewsletter Slide 18 - Plans for the futurePlans for the future
Knowledge base The CEP Knowledge base is a resource for information on probation in Europe Arranged per topic, e.g. – Council Framework Decision on probation – Council Recommendations on Probation – Desistance – Directors-General Conference Dublin 2011 – Prevention of Radicalization Conference & project materials Download the documents
Probation in Europe (2008) The book Probation in Europe is published on the CEP website in the Knowledge base Find summaries of each country report Find each country report from the 2008 edition Chapter 1 is a comparative overview of probation in Europe Probation in Europe will be updated in 2011/2012
CEP related documents Documents on CEP and its values are in the Knowledge base, e.g. – Statement on Probation Values and Principles – Annual Report – List of Link Board Members – Statutes – 10 Reasons to become a CEP member, also for universities
Google Search Find all news items and documents through Google Site Search Enter search on the home page Great way to find what you need
Members Section Forum for discussion and questions The Members Section is accessible to CEP members Permanent link upper right corner
News Events: CEP and other conferences Funding programs News Publications from the field Subscribe to CEP Newsletter
Twitter feeds Two twitter feeds feature permanently on the home with interesting tweets on CEP, probation and related with tweets about updates on the CEP website Create a Twitter account to follow CEPs news yourself Follow CEP on
EuroVista Partnership between CEP and the University of Birmingham Banner on Home page, links on News pages Go to: Also find the European Journal of Probation: EuroVista: Probation and Community Justice, the journal on probation Europe which provides accessible, scholarly and relevant source of information on probation research and practice development for both academics and practitioners
Banner Custom banner on Home page Highlighting CEP events and projects Updated regularly
Foreign National Prisoners CEP Special Interest Group on Foreign Nationals (SIG) Download the SIG Business Case Information on SIG members Information issues relating to the imprisonment of European citizens in foreign prisons Good Practice Guide
Register of Experts The Register of Experts is available to all CEP members Offering the services of experts and training consultants in specific fields Application form for experts Application form for organizations
CEP organization Information on Board and Staff List of Member organizations Types of CEP membership and application procedure Application form for universities
French and English Switch between the English and the French version of the CEP website Two permanent buttons in the upper right corner, link on Home page
CEP Newsletter Stay updated about the latest news concerning probation in Europe CEP issues the newsletter 6 times a year Subscribe in English, French or both Find the subscription form or
Plans for the future The CEP website is in constant development New files in the Knowledge base Discussion on the Forum More news on probation topics Changes in structure of the website to enhance usability & more Send your suggestions or feedback to the CEP Communication Officer at
CEP Your access to the largest network of probation in Europe!