5th Grade 2000-2001 Back to School Night Mrs. Short’s Class 5th Grade 2000-2001 Back to School Night 11/27/2018 Created by Mrs. Short
About Mrs. Short Raised in Orem, Utah Graduated from BYU Taught 3rd grade for 2 years First year teaching 5th grade
General Information Students need to be on time to school. Game boys and other toys should stay at home. ParentLink is updated daily—489-2852 Box#555 Please no animals for show and tell.
Classroom Discipline Plan Students are responsible for their own behavior. They are required to report their “behavior rating” to me before each recess. They rate themselves between 0-5. If they rate themselves higher than 0, they are required to work off their rating(s) during recess.
Upcoming Events and Projects Christmas Around the World Hope of America State Report President Report Wax Museum
Homework Reading for 20 minutes a night Spelling & vocabulary words each week Unfinished work in class is considered homework. Any other homework will be sent as needed.
Our Morning Schedule 9:00-Word Work 9:15-Writing 10:00-Recess 10:15-Reading/Social Studies 11:30-Lunch/Prep Time (Students rotate between computers, P.E., and library)
Afternoon Schedule 12:30-Math 1:30-Recess 1:45-Science/Social Studies 2:55-Clean up and go home
Language Arts Guided Reading (Students read with teacher) SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) Novels (class reads novel together) Teacher Read (Teacher reads out loud to class) Grammar Writing Process and Traits
Math Fractions Decimals Multiplication Division Geometry Place Value Problem Solving
Science Physical Features of the Earth Matter/Chemistry Electricity Natural Resources
Social Studies United States History States and Capitals
SEP Conferences October 26, 2000 January 11, 2001 March 22, 2001
Thank you for your support! We are looking forward to a GREAT year!