Healthwatch Nottingham Public Health Forum on LGBT 15 February 2017
Background Healthwatches exist across England, created under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Healthwatch Nottingham is an independent organisation that serves to make sure the views of local people are heard in the planning and running of local healthcare and social care services.
What do we do? We listen to the experiences of local people using our local healthcare and social care services. We ask local people to Talk to Us face-to-face at locations across the city, or via the internet, or by telephone or letter. We feed this back to the people who run and plan services, so they can know how they are doing.
What we don’t do We cannot deal with or support individual complaints; these must be made through the appropriate channels. We can help you identify who you need to complain to, and to who can help and support you make a complaint. We are interested in complaints as experiences, and their outcomes!
What do we do with what you tell us? We provide anonymous feedback to organisations on whom we receive comments. We monitor the feedback we receive. Where it would be helpful and practicable we will initiate some more in-depth research to dig deeper into people’s experiences – these are Insight Reports We make recommendations on how services might be improved.
Insight Reports Where we identify a common thread to complaints and comments we will try to undertake some research into the issue(s). We finalise this with a report to those who commission and run services.
Healthwatch and the LGBT+ Community In late 2016 we undertook work to identify issues in the provision of services to Young People (16 – 25) in the LGBT+ community The report is being worked on right now, and is expected by the end of February
How You Can Help Us Share your experiences of local health and social care services Online Email Write to us 21 Clarendon Street, Nottingham NG1 5HR Telephone 0115 8599511 Sign up for our e-mails – so we can share what we identify
Questions? Richard Mayer 0115 8955910