Who is doing what to help?
PE will be running a lunchtime session every Friday in H28 starting from Friday 3rd November and then every week after that until the examinations. 1-1.40pm Bring your lunch!
Languages: German revision every Thursday 3-4pm, alternating higher and foundation sessions. Ms Hawkins is planning to do, for now, booster classes for students who are working at Grade 7. These will be every Tuesday 3-4pm.
Geography are running revision sessions every Tuesday 3-4pm in R 23 with Mr Simms
History provide a revision session on Tuesday after school 3-4pm with Miss Howard in H6a. Mrs Browne runs a session on Wednesday after school 3-4 in H5. History run a Tuesday intervention session with Mrs Browne at lunch or after school in H5, a Thursday after school documentary session with Misss Howard in H6a and a Friday lunch time geek club for the HPA in H5 with Mrs Browne.
English Mr Wilkes runs a KS4 drop in on Thursday, 3-4 in R2. Students can drop in to work on revision and practice questions and papers
Computing In addition to revision homework while currently working on their NEA, there are drop-in lunchtime sessions Monday-Thursday S27. I do appreciate it if students can let me know of any specific topics that they wish to cover in advance.
Maths will be running a period 6 walk in learning clinic 3pm-4pm every Tuesday from Tuesday 7th November in R21.
Art, Photography and Textiles offer the opportunity for students to work in T-Block (usually T26, T9, T21 and T23) any day from Tuesday to Friday from 3pm to 4pm.
Drama HPA students, Monday lunch times - practical exploration for written exams. Tuesday after school 3-3.45- all drama students for written exam prep/ rehearsals etc. Both sessions will be in the drama studio
Music will be running sessions on the following days: Friday lunch time composition help in H29 with Mr Johnson Wednesday after school listening exam/theory help in H14 with Mrs Chiles
Thursday 16th Nov 3-4 pm Thursday 23th Nov Thursday 30th Nov Revision session Biology Mr Withey S25 Chemistry Mr Robards S8 Physics Mr Brown S9 Thursday 16th Nov 3-4 pm Topics 1. Cell biology 2. Organisation Topic 1. Atomic structure and the periodic table Conservation and dissipation of energy Energy transfer by heating Energy resources Thursday 23th Nov 3. Infection and response 2. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter 3. Quantitative chemistry 4. Electric circuits 5. Electricity in the home Thursday 30th Nov 4. Bioenergetics 4. Chemical changes 5. Energy changes 6. Molecules and matter 7. Radioactivity
Online help and support
Kerboodle has a suite of digital textbooks and support materials for Maths, English and Science Every student has access to this.
Links to exam board sites with supporting materials This spreadsheet can be found on the school website Information>presentation materials>specification helper 2016
Every student is being set revision work for Science on SAM learning
Corsham6th Key Dates: December 13th - Corsham6th Taster Day for Year 11s December 18th (Extension) - Deadline for Applications February 2017 - Futures interviews with Senior Leadership February 28th - University Fair July - Pre-6th Experience Induction Days Any questions – contact Mr Smith