Monitoring drug use in custodial institutions for juvenile offenders in Portugal 2nd European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies Structured Session: Drug research and drug monitoring in prison Lisbon, october 26th, 2017 Ludmila Carapinha, Catarina Guerreiro SICAD Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências |TELEF: +351 211 119 000 | EMAIL:
The research team works in the Portuguese governmental organization dedicated to the monitoring and intervention in addictive behaviours: General – Directorate for the Intervention in Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies.
Crimes committed between 12-16 years old Background Crimes committed between 12-16 years old Custodial institutions for juvenile offenders 6 institutions in Portugal Custodial Facility
Aim To determine the prevalence and intensity of drug use among juvenile offenders in custodial settings
Method Census Self-report questionnaire Application in 06/2015 In the classroom by the research team GENERAL INFORMATION DRUG USE OUTSIDE AND INSIDE PRISON DRUG INJECTING AND OTHER HEALTH RISK BEHAVIOURS HEALTH STATUS: overdose
Custody length (years) GENERAL INFORMATION 152 young offenders 142 participants Custody length (years) > 1 – 2 YEARS 67% <= 1 22% > 2 - 3 21% 89% boys 14 Years 20 years 74% 16-18 years old 12% 14%
DRUG USE 52 84 91 97 3,9 84 34 88 ALCOHOL ILLICIT DRUGS 2015: students in public schools* (PS) vs young offenders (YO) (boys) 14 52 84 18 91 97 AGE PS YO (%) ALCOHOL Lifetime Prevalence: 93% (%) ILLICIT DRUGS Lifetime Prevalence: 89% Cannabis: 87% * Feijão, 2016 14 3,9 84 18 34 88 AGE PS YO * Feijão (2015)
DRUG USE BEFORE CUSTODY ALCOHOL 12 months before custody 30 days before custody ANY alcoholic beverage: 82% ANY alcoholic beverage: 72% Spirits (74%) Beer (66%) Wine (50%) 20 days or more (frequency) Spirits (16,7%) Beer (12,5 %) Wine (7,5%) Binge (45%)
DRUG USE BEFORE CUSTODY (%) ILLICIT DRUGS 46% used cannabis for 20 or more days in the 30D before custody
DRUG USE BEFORE CUSTODY and IN CUSTODY (%) Before custody EVER in custody LAST 12M in custody LAST 30D in custody
Cannabis DRUG USE IN CUSTODY Drug use inside facilities Ever: 23% Last 12M: 22% Last 30D: 13% Cannabis 1 – 3 days in the last 30 days
DRUG INJECTING AND OTHER HEALTH RISK BEHAVIOURS Injection without medical purposes (EVER) 4% (N=6) 1 participant reported injection in custody (outside) HEALTH STATUS 1 participant reported an overdose that required professional intervention: cocaine (before custody)
Conclusions In comparison with students from the regular schools Prevalence of alcohol drinking among the youngest seems to be higher in young offenders Prevalence of illicit drugs seems to be higher, widespread use of cannabis Cannabis use seems to be more frequent In custody, Reports of alcohol drinking and illicit drugs (cannabis) use, mainly outside facilities Inside, more common use of illicit drugs than alcohol 1 in 4 maintain illicit substances use but with less frequency
Thank you for your attention Research Team Ludmila Carapinha, Catarina Guerreiro, Carla Ribeiro, Liliana Ferreira The research team wishes to thank: the General-Directorate for Reinsertion and Prison Settings, the staff of the Custodial Facilities the participants in the study Colleagues from SICAD/DEI Thank you for your attention