Thesis A quick and dirty intro.
Thesis What is a thesis? The thesis, or claim, is the guiding idea of an argument. It is, in short, the claim that you will be supporting with reasoning and possibly research.
Thesis What should a thesis do? Asserts a specific position about the topic. Sometimes makes a concession about that position. Sometimes provides a concise preview of the reasons that support your position.
Thesis Asserts a specific position. X is Y. The portrayal of women in slasher films is far more positive than it's been given credit for.
Thesis Sometimes makes a concession about that position. Although X is sometimes Y, Although X is usually Y, Although certain Hollywood stereotypes are still present,
Thesis Sometimes provides a concise preview of the reasons that support your position. Because A, B, and C. The significant number of female protagonists, the strength and intelligence of those protagonists, and their tendency to have interests outside of boys and dating, all contribute to a positive portrayal of young women.
Thesis Put it all together: Although certain Hollywood stereotypes are still present, the portrayal of women in slasher films is far more positive than it's been given credit for. The significant number of female protagonists, the strength and intelligence of those protagonists, and their tendency to have interests outside of boys and dating, all contribute to a positive portrayal of young women.
Thesis Organization of thesis dictates organization of essay! "X is Y because A, B, and C.” A, B, and C are not necessarily single paragraphs. The significant number of female protagonists, the strength and intelligence of those protagonists, and their tendency to have interests outside of boys and dating, all contribute to a positive portrayal of young women.
Thesis Danger, Will Robinson! Avoid metatext. “I am going to write about.” “I will argue that.” Don’t tell us what you’re going to do. Just do it!