Elements of User Experience A detailed look at the High Level Goals and Specifications processes Five “Planes” of user experience design Strategy Scope Structure Skeleton Surface
Strategy What do the sponsors what to accomplish? What do the users want to accomplish? Deliverables: User Needs and Site Objectives
Scope What are the high level features and functions of the application? What is included? What is excluded? Deliverables: Functional Specifications and Content Requirements
Structure What is the flow between pages, screens, segments in the application? (cf. sitemaps) How does the user use the application? Deliverables: Interaction Design and Information Architecture Information Arch = how the user moves around in the application Interaction Desgin = accomodating user behavior — conceptual modeling
Skeleton What is the placement of user interface objects on the screen? What is the arrangement of content in the application? Akin to a wireframe or blueprint Deliverables: Information Design, Interface Design, Navigation Design Information design is how the information is presented to facilitate understanding Interface design is how the elements are arranged physically on screen
Surface What is the visual design of the interface? What images, text, typography, logos, etc. are used? Deliverables: Visual Design
Surface What is the visual design of the interface? What images, text, typography, logos, etc. are used? Deliverables: Visual Design
More on Strategy Objectives or Goals User Needs Success Metrics What can’t the business/organization do now? User Needs What can’t users do now? Success Metrics How do we know if it worked? E*Trade Quote Tool example
More on Strategy User Segmentation Get into the users’ mindset Personas Cf. MSN Personas Get into the users’ mindset User Research — Get out of your desk!