Connect & Canvas Student Registration Chabot College – Astronomy 10 Online Scott Hildreth
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 1: To get started, login to the Chabot College CANVAS site ( )
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 1: To get started, login to the Chabot College CANVAS site ( ) and enter your Canvas Username and Password: Username is your Chabot College “W-number” - a W followed by 8 digits. If you do not know your W-number, it can retrieved in CLASS-Web. Password first two letters of your first name, followed by first two letters of your last name (all lowercase), followed by the last four digits of your W-number. Example: Maria Valdez with a W-number of W98765432 would log in as: Username: W98765432 Password: mava5432
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 2: Under Courses, click on Astro 10 Online
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 3: On our Canvas course home page, locate and click on the Assignments tab in the course navigation menu.
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 4: Click on the REGISTER & LOGIN to CONNECT assignment.
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 5: Click on Begin.
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 6: If you a new Connect user, click on Register. If you are an existing Connect user, enter your Connect email address (username) & password; click Sign In.
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 7: Enter you preferred email address; then, click Submit.
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 8: Select the appropriate registration option – if you purchased a book in the Chabot College bookstore, you already have a registration code. You can TRY before buying for 2 weeks, but please remember that access to the system is a requirement for our course.
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 9: Enter in all required information; then, click Complete My Registration.
Getting Started with CONNECT: Student Registration Step 10: Click Go to Connect Now to complete the Connect registration and pairing process. After doing this, you will be able to access ALL of our class assignments directly from Canvas, without ever having to login to CONNECT directly.
Need Help? CONNECT Tech Support & FAQ: Call: (800) 331-5094 Email & Chat: Monday - Thursday ● 5 AM - 1 AM Friday ● 5 AM - 6 PM Saturday ● 7 AM - 5 PM Sunday ● 9 AM – 11 PM (All times Pacific) Find more support at: Please make a note of your CASE # if your problem can’t be resolved quickly. NOTE: Please DO email me ( if you have any problems getting help with CONNECT. Remember that I have a default userid and password setup for you to use with Canvas and CONNECT. Our goal is to provide you with the service you need to get the most out of Connect. Our customer support is here to assist you with any technical issues you might be having. If you’re having trouble with anything – accessing a page, submitting an assignment, etc. -- use these resources before going to your professor. We have many people dedicated to helping you with all things technical. Keep the cards/stickers we passed out somewhere you can’t lose them, and use these resources whenever you need. has a new chat functionality; You can browse through connect student success for anything else you might need; FAQs, etc.