The National Interest on Internet News Sites Bella Mody University of Colorado Boulder Linda Hofschire Independent Researcher Presented at ICA May 09 Chicago Updated June
High expectations of the internet -to provide a global public sphere, -to emphasize our common humanity rather than parochial national interests -to promote cosmopolitanism
Hypothesis: news designed for extra-national audiences will cover civil war and humanitarian crises more comprehensively in terms of causes and remedies
Comprehensive coverage index operationally defined to include Time of coverage Article type: coverage through features, backgrounders, opinion columns in addition to hard news Quotes from non-traditional sources like rebels, non-governmental orgs, human rights monitors and refugees in addition to government officials
Data from a 10-news org comparison of scores on an 11-item Comprehensive Coverage Index of the Darfur Sudan civil war over 26 months (Jan 03-Feb 05)
Coverage on each of 11 dimensions was ranked from 10=high to 1=low Rank values across the 11 indicators were summed and divided by 110
Comprehensive coverage scores: national print dailies Wash Post 73/110 NY Times 70/110 Guardian UK 65/110 Le Monde 64/110 Al Ahram 49/110 Peoples Daily 44/110 Weighted mean score for national print dailies: Comprehensive coverage scores for extra-national online news media M ail and Guardian Online S Africa 68/110 BBC.CO.UK 66/110 English.Al Jazeera.Net 59/110 China Daily 53/110 Weighted mean score for extra-nationally focused online news: 63.65
A priori expectations of influences on comprehensiveness of foreign coverage: -Current national interest in country being covered -Historical geopolitical location based on shared experience of Western colonization in the 19 th - 20 th century -Ownership of media organization (any state role?) -Extra national versus national geopolitical readership
Comprehensive Coverage scores for all 10 news organizations based on National Interest in Sudan: Low National Interest in Sudan: UK, France, US, South Africa: Medium-High National Interest in Sudan: Qatar, Egypt, China: t(958)=57.02, p<.001
Comprehensive Coverage scores for all 10 news organizations based on shared historical experience of th century colonization by West: No shared experience of 19 th -20 th century colonization by West: UK, France coverage : Shared historical experience of shared colonization by West coverage: t(958)=23.76, p<.001
Comprehensive Coverage scores for all 10 news organizations based on state ownership of news org: No state ownership: NYT, WP, Le Monde, M+Guardian South Africa : State ownership: al Ahram, BBC.CO.UK, China Daily, Al Jazeera : t(958)=28.79, p<.001
Extra-national press weighted mean score on compreh coverage of humanitarian conflict: National press weighted mean score on compreh coverage of humanitarian conflict: t(958)=2.32, p<.05
Relative impact of predictors on the comprehensiveness of coverage of this one civil war and humanitarian conflict: Betas sig at p<.001 Private ownership 0.44 No Western colonization 0.37 Low national interest in Sudan 0.28 Extra-national geo-political 0.20 market
Findings - Coverage of humanitarian news varies due to longstanding political and eco reasons mentioned frequently in the literature -The state in which the news org is located continues to be a major influence - The media platform (viz. the Internet) is one of many influences
How should global media be defined? -Based on audience? medium? Universal access? -Based on political economy questions related to the news org owner and owner interests, e.g. the BBC vs. Al-Jazeera? Should predictions about coverage by global news orgs vary based on the nature of their claim to globalness?