Pensacola-Tallahassee Council of Catholic Women April 27, 2018 Linda Clark, NCCW Leadership Trainer
Growing Your Membership by: Welcoming Retaining Mentoring
Ask Yourselves: Are Catholic Women seeking you out? Why would a woman want to be a member of your council? What do you offer her, for her time and commitment? Do you think your future is only held by younger women? Why did you join and why are you staying active? How did you become a member?
The Potential of Your Acorn
Welcoming and Inviting Membership Committee Membership Drives Invitational teas and luncheons Speaking from the Pulpit Using the Bulletin & Newsletter Making public your successes
#1 Most Effective Method To PERSONALLY Welcome a Potential New Member Getting Acquainted and Connected Build a Relationship How do we do this?
Digital Age and Digatal Revolution
Busy, busy and Really Busy Women Are Busy, busy and Really Busy
Membership Flourishes Through Relationships- Appreciate the uniqueness of every woman. Being Inclusive- Re-evaluate our schedules and calendar. Activity-Communicate and understand their commitment.
3 Most Effective Methods Advertising Personal Invitation Referrals Networking
Our Special Bond Sharing our Faith by practicing that faith together.
Building Membership Takes Effort Planning Enthusiasm
Preparing Our Soil Preparing the our soil for our new seedling is the key to gaining new trees (members). If you bring a new acorn or seedling to a meeting, and your council does not have their “dirt” together, what will happen?
Meeting Management Welcoming and Friendly environment Bylaws are updated Rosters complete Meetings do not drag on and on Everyone knows what they are doing Fun, fellowship, learning Gratitude and Appreciation are practiced Supportive Attitudes
Where to Find New Members
How Do We Keep Our Trees Thriving? Keeping vigilant against disease, and dying. Keeping Attrition at bay.
Members Want To be heard To be understood Feel needed and wanted Appreciated Given information and instruction to be successful
Why Women JOINED The three top reasons for joining were: Spiritual growth Involvement in service and making a difference 3. Sharing faith-centered activities
In a National Survey, the top four BEBEFITS of staying a member were: Sisterhood of Faith A Global Voice for Catholic Women A Sense of Belonging, Being Needed & Making a Difference 4. The Fun of Being Together
How to keep our seedlings going! Nurturing Mentoring
Mark 10:45 Remember that mentor leadership is all about serving. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Without Mentoring and Welcoming You Can Fail Thriving Council Failing Officers Who Stay Too Long New Ideas Not Welcomed Rigid Meetings Mentoring and Training Welcoming Environment
Techniques for Mentoring Communication Post-it Round table committees Mentor of the month Big Sister Program Prayer Partners
Interesting Meetings and Programs
The key to interesting meetings is to include: Spirituality Education Fun Friendship
Critique Your Council Year Meetings Programs Budget Committees Events Drives Fundraising GOALS
We need to help make everyone feel We need to keep the members we have… feeding their interests… welcoming their participation… supporting them when they can’t participate… and inspiring pride in them to continue to be a member no matter what age or stage of life! We need to help make everyone feel valued as a member.