Bearing The Burdens Of Life Eccl. 12:1; 13-14 The Burden Of Youth
The Burden Of Grandparents The Burden Of Parents Who they are? What they do? Where they live? Do they care? Am I a burden? What will they “decide for me”? The Burden Of Grandparents
The Burden Of Decisions When to eat? When to sleep? What occupies my attention? Crawling, walking, talking What I want to eat! What to wear? It is all about ME!
The Burden Of Decisions Depression School Bully’s Outside Influence
The Burden Of Decisions What to eat? What to wear? What to do? (Where to go?) Who to do it with? Driving a car Working as a student Who to date? What will I be when I grow up? Will I go to college or not? Who to marry? Peer Pressure
The Burden of Media Television, DVD’s Radio, MP3, Cell Phones Video Games Movies Computers Magazines Text Messaging Social Media Subliminal Messages
The Burden Of Decisions What Do I Do WITH GOD? It is all about me – YIELDING TO HIM!
Bearing The Burden Of Youth Ecclesiastes 11:9 – 12:14 Proverbs 1:10-19 Proverbs 3:1-6
The Burden of Respecting Authority All of our lives we must give account whether to parents, school officials, employers, policemen, judges, income tax officials. Most importantly and foremost we are to give an account to God for our actions and thoughts. Eccl. 12:1; Col. 3:20; Rom. 13:1
The Burden of Becoming Responsible Young people need to learn to work and yes even to work hard---Lam. 3:27 Those who work hard have a much better opportunity to make good in life while the lazy will have a greater chance for much trouble. Learn the value of the wages earned for your work. Proverbs 10:4; 12:24; 13:4, 11
The Burden of Gaining Wisdom It seems secular education is the main endeavor of the early years. Important to seek and gain spiritual education and develop spiritual wisdom. Eccl. 1:18; Ezra 7:10; Prov. 23:23; Lk. 21:34 In our youth we need to learn to be like Ezra to prepare our heart to seek the law of God, to do the law of God, to teach the law of God.
The Burden of Gaining Experience The “school of hard knocks” while tough still seems the “way of choice” for young people to gain experience--- Ja. 4:8; Pr. 3:5-10 Young people could gain great wisdom from the counsel of others who have gained experience already--- Eccl. 2:1-2; 10-11,17 It is a wise thing to listen to sound advice and instruction--- Prov. 1:5; 9:9; 10:17; 12:15 Parents who love their children are a great source for gaining knowledge and wisdom---Prov. 2:1-5; Eph. 6:b
The Burden of Rejecting Worldliness It is a very challenging thing to live in the world but not be of the world--- I Jn. 2:15-17 Peer pressure to stand opposed to immorality, immodest dress, profanity, youthful lusts, drinking, drugs, dishonesty, music, vulgar and violent video games, etc.--- I Cor. 15:33 Young people need to be taught and trained to be transformed from the world early in life and heed to this transformation--- Rom. 12:1-2
The Burden of Growing Spiritually In all the endeavors of a young person this challenge is the summation of all the challenges--- I Chronicles 28:9;Matt. 6:33; Gal. 6:8 The young should seek to grow into a mature Christian so heaven can be hoped for and obtained--- I Tim. 4:12; II Pet. 1:5-8 One must sow to the Spirit to reap and obtain---Gal. 6:8 This is what this life is about--- Eccl. 12:13-14
Bearing The Burden Of Youth Keys To Proper Bearing Choose the right friends --- I Cor. 15:33 Do not fall to peer pressure --- I Tim. 5:22 Know when to flee --- I Tim. 6:3-11a Know what to pursue --- I Tim. 6:11b-16 Be committed to Him that is committed to you --- II Tim. 1:12 Bearing The Burden Of Youth
Bearing The Burden Of Youth Keys To Proper Bearing Be obedient to the Lord --- Luke 6:46-49 Grow in His way --- II Peter 1:5-9 Meditate on good things --- Phil. 4:8 Bring forth fruit of the Spirit --- Gal. 5:22-26 Shy away from the works of the flesh --- Gal. 5:19-21 Make good choices --- James 4:17 Bearing The Burden Of Youth
BILITY O HINK N ERMS SING IVINE XAMPLE “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 BILITY O HINK N ERMS SING IVINE XAMPLE Key To Success Bearing The Burden Of Youth ATTITUDE Think Like Jesus Act Like Jesus
GOD'S PLAN FOR YOUR SALVATION Hear the Word of God--- Rom. 10:17 Believing In Your Heart--- Acts 16:31 Repenting Of Your Sins--- Acts 2:38 Confess Christ Is The Son of God- I John 4:15 Be Baptized Into Christ--- Gal. 3:26-29 Be Faithful Until Death--- Rev. 2:10; I Cor. 15:58 “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”