Dr Sarah Egan PD Milton Keynes A year in the life of a PD Dr Sarah Egan PD Milton Keynes
What is a PD? Program Director (Course Organiser) Oversee all aspects of training 3 PDs 1-2 sessions per week Hospital Based Tuesday day release
What is the role of a PD?
Management Recruitment Training posts Attendance Trouble shooting Budget holding
Pastoral Trainees Trainers Hospital Consultants PD colleagues Career guidance
Education Formative Summative Trainees and Trainers
Quality assurance Trainers/Training Practices Existing Trainers Hospital and GP posts ARCP panels
Professional development Maintain up to date knowledge and skills PD seminars and educational meetings TPD appraisal
Resources www.mkpostgrad.co.uk www.bradfordvts.co.uk http://www.educatingthefuturegp.co.uk/03%20the%20programme%20director.html www.ukapd.org www.gp-training.net www.gpcurriculum.co.uk www.rcgp-curriculum.org.uk