Land Management
What is land management? What are some of the issues surrounding land management?
Why is the issue of land management important?
Definitions (copy to your books) Land management – land management refers to the way in which humans use the land, and the plants and animals living on it, as a resource. Land degradation – the decline in the quality of land which results in the reduction of productivity.
Desertification – the process by which useful agricultural areas change into desert due to poor farming practices. Land clearing – the clearing of previously forested lands mainly for agricultural or industrial purposes. Soil erosion – the removal of soil by wind or water.
Salinity – the content of salt in soil and water Salinity – the content of salt in soil and water. High salinity is both a natural characteristic of arid climates and a result of human actions. Introduced species – the introduction of non-native species of plants and animals, often causing a massive disruption to Australian ecosystems. High salinity is a major problem in the Murray-Darling Basin
Activity Step 1: Choose one of the following land management issues to create a Prezi on: land clearing, soil erosion, salinity or introduced species. Step 2: Use the textbooks and the internet to research your issue. Step 3: Your presentation should include: A detailed overview of your issue (definition and causes) An explanation of the impacts of your issue A paragraph explaining why your issue is an important Australian geographical issue A description of what can be done to solve/improve your issue: By individuals By groups (eg. Landcare, Greening Australia) By the government (eg. Local Shires, the Federal Government) Pictures An example or case study where possible A bibliography Remember: write your presentation in your own words and record your sources. DUE: End of Session 2 by email to me