Unit 5: States of Consciousness Lesson 3: Drugs DAILY COMMENTARY (in a spiral notebook!): What factors lead people to experiment with drug use? Essential Question How are altered states of consciousness experienced? Today’s Plan: Daily Commentary Video on neurology of drug use Overview on drugs Next video clip Drug Research Practice FRQ
Unit Plan: States Of Consciousness Upcoming Units: Motivation & Learning Test December 15th Personality, Emotion, Stress & Health Test December 22nd Disorders & Therapies Condensed Mini-Unit Perception Condensed Mini-Unit) Memory, Thinking, Language (Condensed Mini-unit) HOMEWORK Assigned: Lesson 1: Sleep & Dreams Readings / Online Modules Myers 271-289 Module #23 & 24 Superhero “Project” Performance Task: Sleep & Dream Log Lesson 2: Hypnosis Readings: Myers 290-295 Module #22 For Lesson 3: Drugs Readings: Myers 296-304; Useful Website: Mouse Party Modules: 24 Quiz/Test December 1st
Drugs and Consciousness Psychoactive Drug: A chemical substance that alters perceptions and mood (effects consciousness). OBJECTIVE 14| Define psychoactive drug.
Psychoactive drugs are divided into three groups. Depressants Stimulants Hallucinogens OBJECTIVE 16| Name the main categories of psychoactive drugs, and list three ways these substances can interfere with neurotransmission in the brain.
Dependence & Addiction Tolerance: With repeated exposure to a drug, the drug’s effect lessens. it takes greater quantities to get the desired effect. OBJECTIVE 15| Discuss the nature of drug dependence, and identify three common misconceptions about drug addiction.
Withdrawal & Dependence Withdrawal: Upon stopping use of a drug (after addiction), users may experience the undesirable effects of withdrawal. Dependence: Absence of a drug may lead to a feeling of physical pain, intense cravings (physical dependence), and negative emotions (psychological dependence).
Misconceptions about Addiction Addiction is a craving for a chemical substance, despite its adverse consequences (physical & psychological). Addictive drugs quickly corrupt. Addiction cannot be overcome voluntarily. Addiction is no different than repetitive pleasure-seeking behaviors. Addictive drugs quickly corrupt: After taking drugs only (perhaps) 10% become addict. Addiction cannot be overcome voluntarily: It can be to a large extent. Addiction not different than repetitive pleasure-seeking behaviors: Indeed. But should we stretch the concept to cover social behaviors?
Depressants Depressants are drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functions. They include: Alcohol Barbiturates Opiates OBJECTIVE 17| Explain how depressants affect nervous system activity and behavior, and summarize the findings on alcohol use and abuse.
Stimulants Stimulants are drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions. Caffeine Nicotine Cocaine Ecstasy Amphetamines Methamphetamines OBJECTIVE 18| Identify the major stimulants, and explain how they affect neural activity and behavior.
Hallucinogens Hallucinogens are psychedelic (mind-manifesting) drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input. OBJECTIVE 19| Describe the physiological and psychological effects of hallucinogens and summarize the effects of LSD and marijuana. Ronald K. Siegel
Drug Research Complete the graphic organizer on drugs and their effects. Start with the “mouse party” website,” but you will need to do additional independent research as well: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/mouse/ Google: “mouse party”
When Done: Open Note, Practice FRQ Select a drug of your choice and explain how it impacts the brain. Apply each of the following terms in your response: A specific drug; identify if it is a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen A specific neurotransmitter Synapse/synaptic gap Receptor cite dependency
Unit 5: States of Consciousness Day 4: Drugs (Continued) TURN IN: FRQ from Yesterday DAILY COMMENTARY (in a spiral notebook!): Match the following drugs with the neurotrasnmitters they affect: Heroin Alcohol Cocaine Marijuana Amphetamines Ecstasy/MDMA/Molly Essential Question How are altered states of consciousness experienced? Objectives (write this down!): I can: provide a physiological explanation of drug addiction and withdrawal I can distinguish between the effects of depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogenic drugs
Pacing Discussion States of Consciousness Quest THURSDAY 2nd Quarter Project: Due December 12th; Presentations on 12/17 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yw_txvxxOQ AP Psychology “Midterm” Examination: During 1st Semester Final Exam Week Minority Studies Friday-Tuesday
Project Planning + Work Time WHEN AT A STOPPING POINT: Are you prepared for tomorrow’s quest (quiz/test) on States of Consciousness? Complete all reading guides Sleep cycles Sleep disorders & dream theories Freud & Jung Hypnosis Drugs Form Groups of Three Request eight preferred terms (you will get six) Brainstorm how to present each in a creative manner
Depressants Depressants are drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functions. They include: Alcohol Barbiturates Opiates OBJECTIVE 17| Explain how depressants affect nervous system activity and behavior, and summarize the findings on alcohol use and abuse.
Alcohol Alcohol affects motor skills, judgment, and memory…and increases aggressiveness while reducing self awareness. Daniel Hommer, NIAAA, NIH, HHS Ray Ng/ Time & Life Pictures/ Getty Images Drinking and Driving
Barbiturates 2. Barbiturates: Drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system, reducing anxiety but impairing memory and judgment. Nembutal, Seconal, and Amytal are some examples.
Depressants Opiates: Opium and its derivatives (morphine and heroin) depress neural activity, temporarily lessening pain and anxiety. They are highly addictive. http://opioids.com/timeline
Stimulants Stimulants are drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions. Caffeine Nicotine Cocaine Ecstasy Amphetamines Methamphetamines OBJECTIVE 18| Identify the major stimulants, and explain how they affect neural activity and behavior.
Caffeine & Nicotine Caffeine and nicotine increase heart and breathing rates and other autonomic functions to provide energy. http://office.microsoft.com/clipart http://www.tech-res-intl.com
Amphetamines Amphetamines stimulate neural activity, causing accelerated body functions and associated energy and mood changes, with devastating effects. National Pictures/ Topham/ The Image Works
Ecstasy Ecstasy or Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a stimulant and mild hallucinogen. produces a euphoric high can damage serotonin-producing neurons, causing permanent deflation of mood and impairment of memory. Greg Smith/ AP Photos
Cocaine Cocaine induces immediate euphoria followed by a crash. Crack, a form of cocaine, can be smoked. Other forms of cocaine can be sniffed or injected. http://www.ohsinc.com
Hallucinogens Hallucinogens are psychedelic (mind-manifesting) drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input. OBJECTIVE 19| Describe the physiological and psychological effects of hallucinogens and summarize the effects of LSD and marijuana. Ronald K. Siegel
Hallucinogens LSD: (lysergic acid diethylamide) powerful hallucinogenic drug (ergot fungus) that is also known as acid. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol): is the major active ingredient in marijuana (hemp plant) that triggers a variety of effects, including mild hallucinations. http://static.howstuffworks.com Hemp Plant
Drugs Summary
Influences on Drug Use The graph below shows the percentage of US high- school seniors reporting their use of alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine from the 70s to the late 90s. OBJECTIVE 20| Discuss the biological, psychological and social-cultural factors that contribute to drug use.
Influences on Drug Use The use of drugs is based on biological, psychological, and social-cultural influences.
Marijuana Use The use of marijuana in teenagers is directly related to the “perceived risk” involved with the drug.