Development in the Critical Period: EQ: Why is the critical period an important part of development?
Maturation: DEF: natural growth or change that unfolds in a fixed sequence relatively independent of the environment. For most people, this occurs in a natural fashion over one’s life While there are milestones, it is important to note that not all people mature at the same time and in the same way.
Early Development: Zygote: A new cell, formed from the father’s sperm and the mother’s egg Embryo: The developing individual from the fourteenth day after fertilization until the end of the end of the second month after conception Fetus: The developing individual from the third month after conception until birth
The Critical Period: DEF: An interval during which certain kinds of growth must occur if development is to proceed normally If these critical milestones are not met within the womb, the individual cannot develop properly. Proper nutrition and health of the mother can be important
Teratogens: DEF: Disease agents , drugs and other environment agents that can cause birth defects during the prenatal period. These can cause issues in development and can cause certain types of development to never occur
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: DEF: A pattern of physical and mental defect found in babies born to women who abuse alcohol during pregnancy These types of defect can also be caused by intentional or unintentional contact with other substances.