Cyflwyniad i’r prosiect, Medi 2018 Project Introduction, September 2018 Cyngor Cymuned y Fali 19. 9. 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

Cyflwyniad i’r prosiect, Medi 2018 Project Introduction, September 2018 Cyngor Cymuned y Fali 19. 9. 2018

Beth yw Parth Arddangos Gorllewin Môn What is the West Anglesey Demonstration Zone? One of three technology zones in the UK 35 km2 of sea bed 45 year lease secured by Menter Môn Capacity of up to 240MW Grid connection Welsh Government policy and funding support to progress development of the Zone Un o dri parth technoleg llif llanw yn y DU 35 km2 o wely’r môr 45 mlynedd o les gan Menter Môn Capasiti o hyd at 240MW Cyswllt Grid Polisi ac arian Llywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi datblygiad y Parth

Pam mae Menter Môn yn rhedeg y Parth Arddangos Pam mae Menter Môn yn rhedeg y Parth Arddangos? Why is Menter Môn managing the Demonstration Zone? Prif nod prosiect Morlais yw sicrhau’r budd mwyaf posib i’r ardal leol o sefydlu Ynys Môn fel canolfan ar gyfer y diwydiant ynni morol. The aim of the Morlais project is to secure maximum benefit to the local area from establishment of Anglesey as a hub for the marine energy industry.

Beth yw ynni llif llanw? What is tidal stream energy?

Datblygu Parth Arddangos Morlais Developing the Morlais Demonstration Zone 2023 – Caniatâd ac isadeiledd yn ei le ar gyfer is-denantiaid i roi’r dechnoleg ar waith a chynhyrchu trydan 2023 – Consents and infrastructure in place for sub-tenants to deploy technology and generate electricity

Amcanion prosiect Morlais Morlais project objectives Datblygu ffynhonnell hirdymor o refeniw i ail fuddsoddi yn lleol trwy Menter Môn Datblygu cadwyn gyflenwi lleol a sgiliau i alluogi pobl leol i fanteisio yn llawn o’r cyfleodd economaidd Denu buddsoddiad newydd i Fôn Sefydlu clwstwr rhagoriaeth technolegau ynni morol yng ngogledd Cymru Diogelu’r amgylchedd Sicrhau ffynhonnell ynni adnewyddadwy a dibynadwy o drydan ar gyfer yr ardal Develop long term and sustainable source of revenue to reinvest locally via Menter Môn Develop local supply chain and skills to enable local people to capitalise on the economic opportunities Attract new investment to Anglesey Establish a world leading cluster for marine energy technologies in north Wales Safeguard the environment Secure a renewable and reliable energy source of electricity for the area

Sicrhau caniatad Obtaining consents Deddf Trafnidiaeth a Gwaith1992 Cais am Orchymyn Trafnidiaeth a Gwaith Penderfyniad Gweinidogion Cymru gyda chefnogaeth yr Arolygiaeth Gynllunio Deddf y Môr a Mynediad i’r Arfordir 2009 Trwydded morol ar gyfer gwaith yn morol yn nyfroedd Cymreig Cyhoeddwyd gan Dim Trwyddedu Morol CNC ar ran Gweinidogion Cymru Deddf Cynllunio Gwlad a Thref 1990 Cais i Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn am ganiatâd cynllunio ar gyfer datblygiad ar y tir nad yw’n cael ei ganiatáu trwy’r Ddeddf Trafnidiaeth a Gwaith Transport and Works Act (TWA) 1992 Application for a Transport and Works Order (TWO). Decision by Welsh Ministers supported by the Planning Inspectorate. Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (MCAA) Marine license required for marine works in Welsh waters Issued by NRW’s Marine Licensing Team on behalf of Welsh Ministers Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Application to Cyngor Sir Ynys Mon County Council for planning permission for development on land that is not consented through the TWA

Sicrhau caniatâd – amserlen ddangosol Obtaining consents – indicative timeline TWA application Pre-Application Decisions Evaluation of project options Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Engagement with regulators and experts Community engagement Public Information Days & Consultation Structured process administered by PINSW Opportunity to review the application and submit views Possible Public Inquiry 2020 2018 2019 ML application Administered by NRW Opportunity to review information and submit views Other applications

Asesiad Effaith Amgylcheddol Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Nod y gwaith cyfredol yw: Adeiladu ar astudiaethau blaenorol - ymgymryd â gwaith ymchwil pellach er mwyn gwella ein dealltwriaeth Herio ein dull o weithio trwy adolygiadau cymheiriaid gan arbenigwyr cydnabyddedig (Grwpiau Pwnc Arbenigwyr) Darparu allbynnau awdurdodol sy’n dderbyniol i reoleiddwyr er mwyn hwyluso ystyriaeth a phenderfyniadau ceisiadau TWA, ML TCPA Current work aims to: Build on previous studies – engaging in further targeted research to improve understanding Inform and challenge our approach through peer review by recognised experts (Expert Topic Groups) Deliver authoritative outputs, acceptable to regulators, to inform consideration and determination of TWA, ML and TCPA applications

Sut y byddwn yn ymgysylltu gyda’r gymuned Our approach to community engagement Ein nod yw codi ymwybyddiaeth, annog sgwrs a diddordeb er mwyn rhoi gwybod i bobl am y prosiect a sicrhau eu bod yn deall sut i gymryd yn rhan Mae annog cyfranogiad yn allweddol i ffordd Menter Môn o weithio Wrth ymgysylltu yn gynnar ac yn barhaus y gobaith yw cynyddu diddordeb, adnabod heriau a chyfleoedd Rydym am gynnwys pobl a chymunedau lleol fel y gallwn wneud yn fawr o’r cyfle yma i arwain ym maes ynni adnewyddol – beth ydych chi’n feddwl yw’r cyfleodd? Rydym am fod yn ymatebol i anghenion a phryderon lleol Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi am wybodaeth newydd a chyfleoedd i wneud sylw a’r cynlluniau ac ymgynghori swyddogol We aim to raise awareness, foster dialogue and interest, to inform people about the project and get them involved. Engagement is central to the Menter Môn approach for all projects By engaging early and on ongoing basis, we hope to generate interest, identify issues and opportunities We want to involve local people and communities so we can make the most of this opportunity to lead on sustainable energy – what do you think the opportunities might be? We want to be responsive to concerns and local needs We will make you aware of new information and opportunities to comment on proposals, including formal consultations What do you think the opportunities might be – could be engage in a conversation with you about this? (in future - could we come back to you?) (this is more techy step through why community engagement is important) In the context of the present phase of the Morlais project, the engagement strategy has the following purpose: Raise awareness of the project; Foster dialogue and interest in the project; Educate and inform stakeholders to improve capacity to comment on the project and to get involved; Seek representative views on the project; Stimulate interest in involvement of stakeholders at appropriate stages of the project’s development, attracting local knowledge and input to inform project development and associated initiatives, and seeking ideas for partnership working where appropriate. Early involvement of local communities, local authorities and statutory consultees aims to bring about the following shared benefits: - To help local people understand what the Project is about and what it means for them, so that concerns rasied by the proposals can be made known early, and resolved if possible; To allow the public to influence how the project is developed and how it is integrated in the community by providing the Morlais development team with feedback on potential options To obtain information about the economic, social and environmental impacts of the scheme, thus helping Morlais to evaluate project options, challenges and opportunities as early as possible; To inform options on potential mitigating measures;

Sut allwch chi gymryd rhan? How do we involve you? Oes gennych chi adborth ar hyn o bryd? Eisiau gwybod mwy am gynlluniau wrth iddynt ddatblygu? Diddordeb mewn ymwneud gyda chamau’r prosiect? Hoffech chi fynychu dyddiau gwybodaeth i’r cyhoedd? Sut hoffech chi gael eich diweddaru? A oes unrhyw gyrff eraill neu unigolion fyddai â diddordeb yn clywed mwy am y cynlluniau? Byddwn yn gwneud cofnod o bob cyswllt ac adborth yn ystod y prosiect cyn gwneud cais. Byddwn yn adrodd ar hyn, yn ogystal â chyfleoedd ffurfiol i wneud sylw, mewn adroddiad ymgynghori gaiff ei gyflwyno i’r Arolygiaeth Cynllunio am ystyriaeth fel rhan o’r cais TWA. Am wybodaeth bellach ewch i neu e-bostiwch Do you have any feedback at this stage? Want to know more about proposals as they develop? Would you like to get involved in project related initiatives? Would you be interested in attending public information days? How would you like to be kept informed? Any other organisations/ individuals that would be interested in hearing about our proposals? We will be making a record of the engagement and feedback during the pre-application stage. We will report on this engagement, including formal opportunities to comment in a ‘consultation report’ submitted to the Planning Inspectorate to inform consideration of the TWA application. For more information visit or email Need email postbox.