The Multicultural History of American Education: Early School Reform & Progressivism September 14, 2010 EDU 224 Trisha Wilson Cameron Winchester Sonny Bugarin Anne Staudinger
Committee of Ten Established in 1892 to standardize high schools Planned to raise standards for high school students Traditional and classical courses would be taught High school would offer less electives Carnegie units were used in evaluating student progress Students who performed well could enter college early Sadker, D. M., & Zittleman, K. (2008). Teachers, schools, and society: A brief introduction to education (2nd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill
Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education The NEA established a set of principles in 1918 to answer the question: What can high schools do to improve the daily lives of citizens in an industrial democracy? Seven Goals for High School Health Worthy home membership Command of fundamental academic skills Vocation Citizenship Worthy use of leisure time Ethical character Sadker, D. M., & Zittleman, K. (2008). Teachers, schools, and society: A brief introduction to education (2nd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill
Progressive Education Association Provided suggestions to help individual growth and social adjustment in the 1930’s -More electives -Guidance counselors -Vocational programs expanded Sadker, D. M., & Zittleman, K. (2008). Teachers, schools, and society: A brief introduction to education (2nd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill
John Dewey Known as possibly the most influential, and controversial, educator of the twentieth century. American Philosopher, Psychologist, educational reformer, and atheist Wrote on many topics, including nature, art, logic, inquiry, democracy and ethics. An elementary geography class at the Laboratory School started by Dewey at the University of Chicago. Sadker, D. M., & Zittleman, K. (2008). Teachers, schools, and society: A brief introduction to education (2nd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Progressive Education Dewey’s Core Program for Jr. High School Grade Core Additional Required Subjects Electives 7 English, Social Science, Science, Math 4 Hours Health & PE, Foreign Lang. 2 Hours 0 Hours 8 Same as above 3 Hours Health & PE, Science Lab, Shop, Homemaking Art, Foreign Lang., Science, Etc. 1 Hour 9 Health & PE, Industrial Arts, Homemaking, Science Lab Added major Subject e.g. Math, Foreign Lang Not just about “reading, writing, and arithmetic” anymore Psychological and social needs of students considered in the classroom More diversity in the classroom leads to a greater demand for catering to individual interest Student-centered education Not widely accepted Cressman, G.R., & Benda, H.W. (1996). Public Education in America. New York, NY: Meredith Publishing Company. Sadker, D. M., & Zittleman, K. (2008). Teachers, schools, and society: A brief introduction to education (2nd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
What does progressive education have to do with us? Revolutionized modern thinking about education Still follow a similar general plan. Gives opportunities The benefits can’t be denied Eight Year Study