Aborigines are legally defined as people who are members "of the Aboriginal race of Australia. The aboriginal people came to Australia from Asia in prehistoric times, They were divided into 600 tribes, each with its own language and territory. The aborigines did not cultivate the land but depended on it, being a nomad people who hunted and gathered food.
CONTENT 1.The Aboriginal people’s relationship with the land 2. The Aboriginal culture 3. The Stolen Generation and his effect for Aboriginal people 4. The Aboriginal people and the society of today
Aborigines have a special connection with everything that is natural, see themselves as a part of nature, all things on earth we see a part human. Land is at the basics of all Aboriginal relationships, economies, indentities and cultural practices. The fight for recognition of rights to land is a continous struggle for recognition and respect. However today, Aboriginal people are living in the city so they lose many things as the Gagudju, the language. It all started when white people came to them and they started to educate them.
Music, song and dance were and are still today a very important part of Aboriginal life and customs. There were songs for every occasion, some of which were expressed in special ceremonies. Dance is a unique aspect of ceremonies which is learnt and passed down from one generation to another. To dance is to be knowledgeable about the stories of the ancestral heroes although dancing, unlike painting and singing, is learnt at an early age. The quality and variety of Australian Indigenous art produced today reflects the richness and diversity of Indigenous culture and the distinct differences between tribes, languages, dialects and geographic landscapes.
The Stolen Generation, were the children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from there families by the Australian Federal and State government (1869-1969) The children who were taken away from their families lost the love of their parents and« grow up with ghosts » meaning that missing family members are psychologically present but physically absent.
Famous Aboriginal people are : David Unaipon was a writer, preacher and inventor. Unaipon was the first Australian Aboriginal to publish a written work in English, Cathy Freeman win a gold medal at the Olympics. Cathy identifies some of the factors that she believes prevent Aboriginal people’s upward mobility. Neville Bonner who is a political man It would be untrue to say the moderate Aboriginal activist Neville Bonner became the first of his people elected to federal parliament because he took the opportunities the Australian federal political system afforded him.