Primary School No. 5 in Boguszów-Gorce, Poland MADE BY „MEETING NEW FRIENDS” eTWINNING PROJECT MEMBERS
Primary School No. 5 in Boguszów-Gorce, Poland We study in the Primary School No. 5 in Boguszów – Gorce. Our school is very old, it was built in 1903. Our parents and grandparents studied in this place, too. There are about 350 students from 6 to 15 years old.
Our school in 1903 Our school now
OUR PATRON – Bronisław Malinowski Bronisław Malinowski is the patron of our school, he is one of the famous Polish sportsman. He won a gold medal in the 3000 m race during the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.
School year calendar In Poland, school year starts on the first of September and finishes in the last week in June. Next, there are two months of break- summer holiday. We also have got two weeks long winter holidays and one week long Christmas and Easter break.
There are 3 floors in our school There are 3 floors in our school. There are 14 classrooms where the classes have the most of their lessons. We also have got English, Polish and ICT Labs. In the common room students spend time after lessons. Behind the school building there is a small garden with some plants.There is a playground for small kids and the football pitch, where we often spend time after school and have some events like dads’ matches.
School and class events Carnival ball Family picnic
Our class trips
We celebrate Polish Independence Day
We take part in… and we win many competitions We take part in… and we win many competitions. Here, we won the 1st place in School Christmas Carols Contest.
We also win lots of sports competitions.
We take part in English competitions and we win them. 2nd place in Schools Christmas Contest 3rd place in Spelling Bee Schools Competition
We also organise competitions for other schools like English and Science competitions.
Projects Our school is involved in various projects: -Spring Alive (about birds migrations, we contact with African schools) -eTwinning (now it’s Meeting New Friends Project)
OUR SCHOOL We think our teachers are friendly and helpful. We spend about 6-7 hours a day at our school, maybe it should be more colourful and pleasant, but we love time spending there!