A very brief mark scheme… Level 1 Basic Description of evidence within one or several factors (excess knowledge) Statement – does not answer the question Level 2 simple One explanation that either supports or challenges the statement (simple because its mono-casual) – ‘one reason for everything…’ Level 3 developed Two or more explained factors that both support and challenge the statement Low level 3 – one explained factor, one identified Level 4 complex L3 + Substantiated Judgement is made
Speak for my team Exemplar script A The British naval blockade was very effective as it starved Germany out of the war. At the end of the war when the armistice was signed, the people who did it were remembered as the November criminals because the soldiers felt as though they had been betrayed and were winning the war. It is true Germany were winning almost every battle, but its people back home were starving and there was riots in Berlin. You could tell the blockade was causing a problem for Germany even in 1916 because they tried to destroy it in the Battle of Jutland, but failed. Another reason why Germany lost WW1 was because of Americas entry into the war. America declared war on Germany after they stupidly sent the Zimmerman telegram to Mexico and by early 1918 there were a million men from America in Europe with more arriving each week. As well as bringing more men they also brought better equipment (tanks and such), meaning Germany were now outnumbered and out-equipped and it was only a matter of time before they surrendered as they were being pushed back into Germany. In conclusion, I think the most important reason Germany lost the war was Americas entry. Americas troops and resources were too much for Germany to handle so against them they had to surrender otherwise berlin may have got invaded.
Examiner’s commentary The candidate looks at both the stated factor and another factor There is excellent knowledge applied Whilst the explanation in the second paragraph is developed, it is not in the first (Low level 3 – EXP of 1 factor + IDENTIFICATION of another) Conclusion is not credited unless all of the criteria for level 3 is met 3 9 marks Developed explanation of the stated factor AND other factor(s) Answer demonstrates a range of accurate knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Answer demonstrates a developed, sustained line of reasoning which has coherence and logical structure; it is well substantiated, and with sustained, explicit relevance. Extends Level 2. Answer may suggest that one reason has greater merit. Candidates may progress from a simple explanation of causation with developed reasoning supported by factual knowledge and understanding.