Pre-Portuguese Overseas Africa Nothing Universal
Government State: Stateless: Secret Societies: Mali/Songhay Formal Stateless: Non-formal Non-professional Kindred Council Secret Societies: West Africa Like “Jedi” Corruption, rivalries, etc. Nonpartisan Law, mystical, etc. Mali/Songhay City-states
Generalizations Bantu-migration Animism Eco Pop: 45 Resilience North Specialization Trade (merchants) Pop: 45
Individual Societies Nubia (8, 12) & Ethiopia (12-13) Ghana (200 ce) Christian Ghana (200 ce) Islam (9) Gold & salt Almoravids Swahili Coast Trading posts (12) Kongo Mbanza Kongo Confederation Sudanic Region Stateless Central Africa Bantu
Post-Colonialism Black Culture Known for art/dance/music Influenced by colonial nations Music, religion, language Beadworks Ethnicity blue= lonely 1962 Nelson Mandela South Africa: “Rainbow Nation” Afrikaana & English 11 recognized langauges Afrikaana, English, Ndebele, N. Sotho, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu Zulu & Xhosa account for 40%
Central/West Africa Kin relations important Child receives spirit & body from parents Skills taught to boys Girls instructed on house duties Polygamy Animistic Relgion
Bib "Our Africa." Our Africa. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2017. Domain, Dido's Desolate. "Africa Facts." Africa Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2017. Stearns, Peter N., Michael Adas, Stuart B. Schwartz, and Marc Jason Gilbert. World Civilizations: The Global Experience. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education,, as Prentice Hall, 2015. Print.