CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' What it is A New Benefit of Membership The development process The objective Learning Developing the insurance industry message Due Diligence Let’s discuss it in terms of “value added” – emphasize the manner in which the FCIA is looking out for their interest with a focus (as in other areas) on the long term development of the Firestopping Trade. After initially improving the insurance program for one of your members we (along with several others insurance agencies) we asked to consider developing an insurance program for FCIA members. We saw this an excellent opportunity based upon our experience, our business model and our desire to be part of the development of one of the most important trades for the safety of our friends, families and co-workers. Learning and the message – studying the industry, touring job sites, reviewing the MOP The insurance message – YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS TRADE; solid loss potential due to highly professional training; the FM and UL certifications; bringing insurance companies to job sites; THE CONCERN THAT INSURERS ARE “ON THE RISK WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF IT” Due Diligence – contacting companies; our criteria for each insurer; All Risk and American Safety; CRC and “the market” Introduction
CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' Who’s involved Readington Burke Insurance Agency The Nations Largest Insurance Wholesaler The Hartford How it works Leverage through participation Representing YOU to the insurance industry RB- History and experience – WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT - CRC – History and experience All Risk Ltd – -------- Other ? Hartford How it works We are representing you individually and collectively to the insurance – this is what we do and we do it very well. Why? We’ve taken the time to KNOW YOU BUSINESS and we KNOW the INSURANCE MARKET and we KNOW HOW TO EFFECTIVELY REPRESENT YOU TO THE MARKET. People Serving You
CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' Why it works Market knowledge Coverage/Industry knowledge – The message Leverage or “the volume potential” What you need to do Creating your individual message aka “The Underwriting Presentation” Why it works 1- Insurance negotiating 101 a- Learn your industry – know what the insurance market is looking for – find the best source for the product – provide a clear message as to why the risk makes sense (THIS IS OUR VALUE) b- Begin with potential leverage – create actual leverage (member participation) What you need to do 1- WHY WE CALL IT AN UNDERWRITING PRESENTATION a- The message a well developed underwriting message sends b- The role it plays – perception/ability to negociate 2- Packages available at the meeting for comparison shopping 3- Web site to our underwriting package from the FCIA 4- Provide us your contact information at the annual meeting 5- TIMING and EXPECTATIONS a- Negotiating leverage and adequate time b- Ability to work at a moments notice – if necessary Mechanics
CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' Exceeding your expectation Access to FCIA trained insurance professionals Service Standards Contract vs coverage review Communication Points Partner's In Your Success
CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' Insurance Coverage Availability** General Liability Various Insurers Preferred Pricing and Customized Coverage Other Coverage's The Hartford Business Automobile and Property Insurance Preferred Pricing Workers Compensation Insurance Discounted 10% for FM 4991 and UL Accredited Firestop Contractors **Underwriting rules and claims review apply and affect available pricing and options. Available insurance markets CRC – West and S East United Specialty First Specialty / Swiss Re First Mercury / Cover X CRC – N East and Midwest Admiral Argonuat / Colony What's Available?
CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' Why participate How important is insurance? Volume “speaks volumes” What this means in “insurance speak” Leveraging your experience Negotiating advantages A vested interest in your insurance future THIS IS THE INTERACTIVE PART OF THE PRESENTATION – we will spend MORE TIME on this slide Ask – How important is insurance – let them audience reply (we know the answers) 1- Who’s asking you for insurance? 2- It’s required (period) and (generally) the “better” or more desirable the job the higher the quality of the required insurance program. 3- Insurance Cost’s a- Direct – Premium, deductibles b- Indirect 1- your time - shopping & trying to “figure it out 2- coverage quality and potential gaps 3- meeting contractual requirements Discuss value a “Premium Leverage” in the development of the program and ability to negotiate future benefits. Include Loss Control and “what we see” as the “built in loss control” benefits of FCIA member – Education, Certification, An Industry Voice. This is the beginning – the spark…. WHY?
CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' An FCIA Member Benefit Leverage through participation Available Coverage's Ultimate Goal Reflection – Different by Design – history re-created Summary
CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' Questions and Answers Personal Meeting Leigh Hays Jim Venezia Derek Weippert Insurance Program Fact Finder Action Steps
CONTROL YOUR ▼ DESTINYTM 'INSURANCE' Readington Burke A Division of Phoenix Insurance Group, Inc. 205 Main St., Chester, NJ 07930 Ph. 908-879-6500 Leigh Hays, Lead Broker 908-879-2446 Jim Venezia, Program Director 908-879-7224 Derek Weippert, Principal 908-879-1436 CONTACT US