Tech in the News Middle School Technology Education WebQuest created by Mr. Eric Cohoon – Tech. Ed
Quick Page Links Introduction Task Procedure Evaluation Conclusion Resources
Introduction Technology is changing faster than ever before. New inventions and discoveries like the Internet, cell phones, and genetic engineering make our lives more productive and enjoyable. Yet, they bring problems of their own, a technologically literate person is able to make informed, educated decisions about technology issues that they see and read about. A goal for you a technology education student is to become technologically literate. This WebQuest will provide help and guidance to achieve success on this assignment.
Task Tech in the News will be presented to the class every Wednesday at the beginning of class. Presentation dates are posted on the assignments board You will be responsible for researching a new technology or an existing technology that has been improved. Provide us with: Original article or copy Picture(s) Description of technology (who, what, where, when, why) 1 pro (good thing about it) 1 con (bad thing about it) Area of technology (bio-tech, information/communication, or physical) Interesting/unique things This should be presented in an informative 5 min. presentation to the class and also typed and posted on the Tech in the News board.
Procedure Find you presentation date and start researching to find a new/improved technology. Start researching to find a technology to present on. Take a look at the links provided in the resources section. Research the following items using the internet and/or newspapers and magazines. Name of Technology Intended use Who, what, where, when and why What makes it better than existing Create an informative flyer/poster (8.5x11) to be displayed in the classroom and a 5 minute presentation to the class. Costs Pictures Area of technology Pro and con
Evaluation Total 50 pts. 5pts: Topic – unique and different than others 20pts: Information – Thoroughly researched 10pts: Area of Technology – Clearly defined and correct 10pts: Flyer/poster – includes all information required, quality work 5pts: Presentation – Informative includes all information required * 10 points deducted for each Wednesday its late!
Conclusion As you recall a technologically literate person one that is educated/knowledgeable about a technology. They are able to solve technical problems, use technology wisely and safely and make good decisions about the use. You have completed your Tech in the News assignment and listened to your peers present their technology. By completing this you can see how to evaluate and choose a technology that is beneficial. Choosing what technologies to use in your life is your decision. Make the right choice.
Resources Tech News World - all tech, all the time CNET News – Technology in the news CNN Technology Tech news daily Popular Science Discover Magazine
Questions For questions or additional help please see the instructor You only do this assignment once, do a good job on it!