Welcome to the New Intake Evening 6th June 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the New Intake Evening 6th June 2018 The Becket School Welcome to the New Intake Evening 6th June 2018

New Intake Parents’ Evening 6th June 2018 Introduction & Welcome…………………Mr J McGeachie Headteacher General Information …..………………….Mrs S Shenton Assistant Headteacher Settling In………………………………………Mrs A Andrews Year 7 Progress Leader Chaplaincy …………………………………….Mr J McGeachie

Senior Leadership Team Mr P Grieg: Headteacher Mrs K Carroll: Deputy Headteacher

Senior Leadership Team Mrs S Shenton: Assistant Headteacher Mr M Griffin: Assistant Headteacher Mrs C Quirk: Assistant Headteacher Mrs M Jackson: Assistant Headteacher

Year 7 Progress Leader Mrs A Andrews : Year 7 Progress Leader

Mrs Williams and Miss Brown Year 7 Form Tutors Mr Oldroyd Mr Tipping Miss Darragh Mrs Williams and Miss Brown Miss Daniels Mrs Patterson

Who is Who? Marsha Kemple: Chaplain

School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Tie Tied in a single knot with 6 or more stripes showing. Badges A school and House badge are to be worn on the blazer. The Becket House badge is to be sewn to the inner blazer pocket, as shown, so the House colour is clearly visible. The only other badges permitted on a blazer are those given out by school e.g. achievement, commendations.

School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Blazer Black in colour. Only badges permitted on a blazer are those given out by school e.g. achievement, commendations. To be worn at all times in the school building, only removed with staff permission. Sleeves to be kept long. Jumper Plain dark grey. V neck. Long sleeves. Cardigans are not permitted.

School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Shirt White traditional school shirt with formal collar. Long or short sleeves. No three-quarter sleeves allowed. No tailored, fitted blouses. Skirt Grey, waist high, knee-length. Plain material. No more than 4cm gap. between knee and hem length. No patterns or decorations. No tight fitting material (no tube skirts).

School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Trousers Mid/dark grey, waist high. Moderate style. Plain material. No patterns or decorations. No black trousers. No side “leg” pockets. No tight fitting trousers, all should be of a tailored style. Socks Plain black or grey (white for girls only). Tights Plain black or grey colour.

School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Shoes Black, traditional school shoes. Preferably with a strap, laces or buckle. No boots or trainer type shoes. Slip on shoes may only be worn if they cover the top of the foot giving protection to the whole foot. School bags A black plain rucksack or other strong square-bottom bag of modern design. Plastic bags, handbags and designer shopping bags are not considered suitable for school purposes.

School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Coat Plain, black, no patterns, no logo. No “hoodies”- these will be confiscated. Scarf, hat, gloves Black and plain.  

School Dress Code Uniform Item Description Notes and Exclusions Earrings One small discreet silver or gold stud in each ear lobe. Studs only. No other facial piercings are allowed. Hair bobbles/ Alice bands To be black or silver and discreet. Hair styles Must be conventional, smart and traditional. Highlights only one shade lighter or darker than your natural colour. Tram lines are not allowed. Hair must not be shorter than a No. 2 cut. Students lose breaks until hair re-grows. No full head hair colouring. NOT ALLOWED Make up, nail varnish, coloured hair, false nails and jewellery (other than small studs).

Mobile Phones The school policy states that mobile phones (also includes other electronic devices) must not be brought into school. If a phone is heard, used or seen during any point in the school day it will be confiscated and taken to reception until the end of the day. In the first confiscation incident the student will be able to sign it back out again. For the second and further occasions where a phone is confiscated from a student, the phone is to be collected by a parent/carer.

Structure of the day Timings Activity 8.30 Arrive 8.40 – 9.00 Registration/Morning AOW 9.00 – 10.00 Period 1 10.00 -10.15 Break 10.15-11.15 Period 2 11.15-12.15 Period 3 12.15-1.00 Lunch 1.05 – 2.05 Period 4 2.05 – 3.05 Period 5

Attendance The students at The Becket School have excellent attendance; Important that students attend school. A student who has 95% attendance misses 3 months of school over 5 years. If your child is ill or cannot come into school, please contact the office before 8.30 to report the absence. Any long term medical concerns that could have an impact on attendance please let the Progress Leader know along with providing any appropriate medical documents. We do not authorise any holidays or personal trips; any unauthorised absence maybe passed onto the Local Authority who then may issue a fine. This is in line with the Multi Academy Trust.

Punctuality Lateness can affect your attendance and your attainment. We ask that students arrive at school at 8.30 ready for an 8.40 start to the school day. If they are late but arrive before 9.00, they are signed in by a Progress Leader. On their third late and subsequent lates they are issued an after school detention (in less a valid reason is provided). If they are late six times then it will be escalated to a more serious sanction. If a student arrives after 9.00 a text is sent to parents/carers and an after school detention is issued immediately. 15 minutes late each day = 8 days absence over a year.

Lunch/Canteen Cashless catering – biometric information taken from finger (takes several points on finger to store this data). Take this information on the visit days. Top up can be done on line or with a cheque or cash brought into school. Letters will go out before the end of the summer term with log in details for SQUID to facilitate online top up. First two weeks we will arrange for students in Year 7 to go to the Canteen at 12.00 rather than 12.15. Please note that on the visit days they will need to bring a packed lunch.

Who to Contact If you have any concerns or questions please contact the school: Form Tutor Subject teacher Progress Leader/Leader of Learning You can either phone the school or e-mail through the website; your concern/question will be directed to the appropriate person.

What will they be studying? Food Technology Geography French Maths ICT and Computing Science History English Music and Music Technology PE Religious Education German Art Drama Design Technology

Extra Curricular Drama Club/school performances Chaplaincy Team Basketball Football Cricket Tennis Cheerleading String Club Chess Club French Club Cross Country Duke of Edinburgh

Assessment Internal tests in English and Maths. Take place in the first couple of weeks. No revision needed for these tests, no decisions on groupings or settings will take place solely on these assessments. Information evening on our approach to assessment and reporting late September. Report will be sent home to parents/carers on progress three times a year.

Year 7 Progress Leader Role… To support transition from Year 6 to The Becket School. To support Form Tutors who are the main link with Parents/Carers. To work with Year 7 students as a Pastoral Leader. Lead the Year 7 Tutor Team.

Transition Process… Visit all feeder primary schools. Maths, English and RE lessons in feeder primary schools. Non-feeder afternoon.

Transition Process… Visits to The Becket School Monday 2nd July and Tuesday 3rd July - All new intake students Summer Scheme (Mrs Virgo) Monday 30th July – Friday 3rd August Places still available

New Intake Days… Monday 2nd July and Tuesday 3rd July. Arrive at 8:30am in the plaza - finish at 2.55pm on both days. Students will need collecting from The Becket School at the school gates: please do not walk onto The Becket site or drive your car into the car park. You can use the Harvester car park for drop off and collection. Students cannot travel on contract school buses due to limited space.

New Intake Days… Wear your current school uniform. Bring a packed lunch and drink both days. Act of Worship/Liturgy. Meet your Form Tutor and other students in your form. Receive your form badge – bring £1 on the Monday. Experience some lessons: Bring trainers if you would like to play on the astro at lunchtime. Have fingerprint taken for cashless dining system in the canteen.

Travel, September onwards… City students have not got a school bus. County students can travel on school buses: 441, 442, 444, 447, 448, 449, 681 Timetables for public busses are set by the County, not by the school. See their website for details on timetables. To apply for subsidised bus pass you need to go through County Transport. For enquiries, call 0844 980 8080.

First Day, Wednesday 5th September Arrive at The Becket School at 8:30am. When the bell goes at 8.40 go to your form room and line up outside. Wear The Becket School uniform. Act of Worship followed by usual lessons. Lunchtime: you can use canteen facilities to buy lunch or bring a packed lunch. First two weeks - early lunch 12.00. End of normal school day at 3:05pm. If collecting your child please do not walk onto the school grounds, wait at the gate. If you are picking them up please use the Harvester car park for pick up (and drop off).

Walesby Forest… Monday 17th - Wednesday 19th or Wednesday 19th – Friday 21st September. Located in Sherwood Forest. Three days/two nights residential for all Year 7 students with their Tutor Group and Form Tutor. Team building activities and outdoor pursuits. Parental Consent Form and money returned as soon as possible to The Becket School Finance Office.

Chaplaincy Teams


House System

Mass and Acts of Worship
