John M. Felker Director, NCCIC
National Communications Coordination Public-private partnership -government at all levels -private industry -global allies 24x7 “Whole Community” effort to: Share and analyze threat information. Assess the operating status -understand the risk posture Coordinate the Nation’s efforts to - prepare - prevent - protect - respond to & mitigate communications disruptions. Key mission areas include: National Security and Emergency Preparedness Emergency Support Function #2 – National Response Framework Critical Infrastructure Protection For the Government to communicate it is key to have a strong relationship with Industry as most government communications travels across privately owned infrastructure. The NCC is a forum that brings together government and industry to coordinate government and industry efforts to protect, initiate, restore and reconstitute NS/EP communications ensuring Federal, State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (FSLTT) government officials and emergency responders can communicate under all circumstance's. The NCC maintains 24/7 situational awareness and crisis monitoring of critical infrastructure and shares threat information, in order to reduce risk, prevent damage, and enable rapid recovery of the communications critical infrastructure assets from incidents caused by natural disasters, attacks, or other emergencies. Mission areas: NS/EP communications ensures that the Federal Government can protect and preserve the nation. ESF#2 Communications focuses on Federal support and actions to ensure that State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial governments, officials, and emergency responders can coordinate during a crisis. For communications critical infrastructure protection, the NCC shares information on threats and vulnerabilities with infrastructure owners to protect and mitigate potential impacts. 4 4
Communications ISAC Industry Partners Non-Resident Members Resident Members Resident Members The NCC is the only joint government and industry ISAC. The industry partnership includes experts from wireline, wireless, cable, satellite, broadcast, public safety, equipment manufacturers, and industry associations. NCC has been building and industry partnership since 1984. This partnership was most recent activities includes disaster response to hurricanes impacting, TX, FL, PR, and USVI of physical events and WannaCry for cyber actions. Hurricane support Helped develop in PR executive orders allowing access to restricted/locked sites and an order for waiver of customs tax on temporary equipment deployed for response Fuel support on emergency basis VISA support Security Imagery Shipping priority Expedited phone number assignment Coordinated open roaming consensus across all wireless carriers 68 members as of November 2017