Leadership Traits: Enable Your team’s Success Otis McGregor, CPD, CPC, LTC(R) CEO & Head Coach LTO Enterprises, LLC Leadership Traits discussion for Rocky Mountain Chapter of Program Management Institute
Otis McGregor 25 years US Army Green Beret 8 years Business Development & Program Management Certified Professional Coach (IPEC) Certified Project Trainer & Director (The Institute) USA Rugby Level 300 Coach MA International Affairs, Homeland Security, Naval Postgraduate School BS Engineering Technology, Texas A&M University LTO Proprietary – Otis McGregor – Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com
What is Leadership? “A person or thing that holds a dominant or superior position within its field, and is able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over others.” (Source: Business Dictionary, http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/leader.html) It’s the person in charge The boss A person who guides a group or team LTO Proprietary – Otis McGregor – Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com
Traits of a Leader (1 of 3) Definitive and Decisive Use all the information you have at the time Know when you have to make the decision Establish & Uphold Standards Clear understanding Be the “Standard Bearer” Who said to do that? What if they aren’t followed? LTO Proprietary – Otis McGregor – Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com
Traits of a Leader (2 of 3) Establish the Culture Lead by example The personality of the organization Mission First—People Always A constant battle of give & take Without people, what do you have? Do as I do The Fire Team Leader LTO Proprietary – Otis McGregor – Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com
Traits of a Leader (3 of 3) Trust Up & down Opportunities for success on the team Why did you hire him or her? LTO Proprietary – Otis McGregor – Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com
Failures How do you, Fail Fast? Fail Forward? Fail Often? LTO Proprietary – Otis McGregor – Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com
Performance Improvement How can you get better at what you do? Outcome vs. Performance Performance = Potential-Distractions LTO Proprietary – Otis McGregor – Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com
Enable your Team’s Success Thanks– Otis McGregor CEO & Head Coach LTO Enterprises, LLC Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com LTO Enterprises, LLC 719-640-9722 https://www.LTO-Enterprises.com LTO Proprietary – Otis McGregor – Otis@LTO-Enterprises.com