Building Organisational Support Andrew Henry, Digital Mobilisation Manager Save the Children
CAMPAIGNING AT SAVE The baby of the family Recommendation 1 Don’t assume
How do you compare with the sector? STEP 1 Understanding the problem In March 2016 we had a big problem: 2% email to action rate; 40% page conversion; 33% source code being tracked; 28% opt-in rate. This resulting in: Poor engagement rates; Poor supporter experience; Poor data tracking and analysis. Recommendation 2 How do you compare with the sector?
STEP 2 Communicating intent The core team mapped out the user experience. We looked at what the issues were and how we could rectify it. Together we created a list of what we need using the MoSCoW method. Must have; Should have; Could have; Won’t have. Recommendation 3 Be on the same page
Fit into other teams objectives STEP 3 Get others excited Some comments we had “It’s a campaigning thing. It doesn’t affect us.” “We don’t want to move people off our site.” “Data will be in too many places.” How we responded “We can more effectively cross-promote your campaigns to our action takers.” “We will improve the experience and conversions as a result” “Our data quality will improve.” Recommendation 4 Fit into other teams objectives
Use data to bolster your case STEP 4 Use data to bolster your case “Why would we need to test if we all understand the reasons for the change?” This was the response from many of our key stakeholders. Always test, test, test. It’s important on two accounts: What you think may not be what supporters think; Without testing you can’t see, in a fair way, how successful any changes have been. Recommendation 5 Create a testing plan
Share success with the blockers STEP 5 Share your success Any increases in conversions, actions and opt-ins are areas to celebrate. Always share your success with others: Thank you emails from directors to key stakeholders involved; Round up emails with thanks; Including results in reports and updates to board; First look demonstrations. Recommendation 6 Share success with the blockers
THE RESULTS We’ve seen a massive jump: 8% email to action rate (up from 2%); 79% page conversion (up from 40%) ; 98% source code being tracked (up from 33%); Opt in rates up to 35% (from 28%). What we’ve seen One clear call to action works well; Social proofing brings life to the action; Small changes can bring big results; Our mobile conversion rates have gone through the roof; Daisy chain actions are effective.