Boho coasters - an exploration of hand stitching and design Dr Bel Youngson and Dr Helen Wilby RCOT Conference 13 June 2018
Aims: Design and create a boho coaster Permission to slow down Savour time Learn decorative stitches Discuss value of: an end product hand stitching in groups (Krawczyk 2017) @OTBelY @helenwilby
Boho coasters Collect 4 different sized circles in different colours Stack fabrics from smallest to largest – but leave base layer until the end to hide stitches. Arrange circles. Push off centre to create interest Pin together if required Add stitching first to outer edges and then go back to fill in. Finally sew on base layer (largest circle) (Krawczyk 2017) @OTBelY @helenwilby
Stitches – see handouts Backstitch Running Arrow Seed Chain ‘X’ @OTBelY @helenwilby
Stitches – see handouts Fly Satin Daisy Blanket Thread rose French knot @OTBelY @helenwilby
Gather materials and design @OTBelY @helenwilby
Reflection while sewing Discussion of the value of: hand stitching in groups an end product @OTBelY @helenwilby
3 words to describe your thoughts on handstitching in groups Mentimeter 3 words to describe your thoughts on handstitching in groups Go to and use code 78 63 06 Results Results @OTBelY @helenwilby
Mentimeter 3 words to describe your thoughts on the need for/value of an end product Go to and use code 63 03 09 Results Results @OTBelY @helenwilby
Thank you for joining us Please fill in feedback sheet @OTBelY @helenwilby
References Krawczyk L (2017) The hand-stitched surface. Beverly, MA: Creative Publishing International