USEPA Visit July 15, 2009 William F. Hunt, Jr.
EPA Campus Overview
Main Building Air Quality Analysis Group - Mr. David Mintz Tracks and analyzes air quality data for policy and program development, and informing the public about the status of the nation’s air quality, etc. Develops and applies air quality assessment methods and indicators to ascertain the achievement of environmental goals as well as to determine the need and opportunity for mid-course corrections to these programs; Provides air quality analysis and expertise to inform decisions on highly sensitive policy issues (e.g.,statistically adjusting air quality data to account for the influences of changing meteorological conditions); Analyzes complex air quality databases to identify patterns, understand cause-and-effect relationships, etc.; Assesses and interprets the status and trends in the nation’s air quality and publicizes these results through the EPA web site and periodic trends publications; Develops, maintains and reports findings from regulatory, ambient air quality databases (i.e., criteria pollutant design values) for attainment/nonattainment decision-making and program evaluation; and Coordinates the analysis and development of air quality information with other OAQPS groups, OAR offices, EPA Regional Offices, Office of Environmental Information, State and local air pollution control agencies, Tribal agencies, and private sector and academic experts to advance and direct the effective use of EPA’s base of relevant scientific information.
National Computer Center
National Computer Center Office of Environmental Information (OEI) Heidi Paulsen, Tour Guide The Office of Environmental Information (OEI), headed by the Chief Information Officer, manages the life cycle of information to support our goal of protecting human health and the environment by: Collecting Information: OEI collects, manages, provides and safeguards your environmental information. Ensuring Quality Information: OEI ensures that the information we use is accurate, representative, and reliable Analyzing and Accessing Information: OEI offers tools for you to access and analyze environmental information Information Technology: OEI provides technology services and manages our Agency's IT investments