Transition Planning in the Jaguar Nation Colleen Siebert, Transition Coordinator, Secondary Case Manager North Pike School district 601-276-6319 or 601-551-5032
Transition Services A coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that: Is designed to be within a results-oriented process, Is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of a child with a disability Facilitates the child’s movement from school to post-school activities, including: postsecondary education vocational education employment (integrated or supported employment) continuing and adult education adult services independent living community participation
Transition Services A coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that: Is based on the child’s needs, strengths, preferences, and interests. Includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment, and other post-school adult living objectives. When appropriate, includes acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. IDEA/2004
Mississippi Requirements Transition planning begins no later than age 14!
North Pike Requirements Transition planning begins at age 10 for SCD students (*Discovery Process). Transition planning begins at age 14 for ANY student receiving services. Plan MUST be in place when the student turns 14 years of age. Check birthdates!
Through the Years Preschool-Elementary Career Awareness General Knowledge of Careers Development of Social Skills Decision making Self determination Self-advocacy Development of work ethic and responsibilities
Through the Years Middle School Career Exploration General Knowledge of Careers Development of Social Skills Decision making Self determination Self-advocacy Development of work ethic and responsibilities Identify preferences, needs, and interests Begin iCap/MS Choices Development of Transition Plan (Age 14) Graduation options discussion
Through the Years High School Career Preparation Demonstration of general knowledge of careers Implementation of Social Skills Decision making Self determination Self-advocacy Demonstration of work ethic and responsibilities Implementation of Transition Plan Review/Revise the iCap/MS Choices Graduation Path Determined (end of 8th grade)
Through the Years After High School Community College, College, or University Competitive Employment Supported/Integrated/Customized Employment Job Corps Military Career Tech Apprenticeship/Internship
Getting Started with The Plan Choose an age appropriate transition assessment: Behavior Aptitude Interest/work value IQ test and achievement test Personality test Career maturity Self-determination Work-related Transition survey inventory
Assessments may be formal or informal. Most will be informal . iCap/MS Choices *Parent Survey/Interview ASVAB *Student Survey/Interview TABE *Career Interests Inventory Vineland Adaptive Casey Life Skills Woodcock Johnson Pictorial Career Interests conoveronline
Surveys to Complete
Indicator 13 Indicator 13 requires that every student with an IEP aged 16+ (no later than age 14 in MS) has a detailed transition plan that includes the following: Appropriate, measurable, postsecondary goals based on age- appropriate transition assessments; Transition services plan that will enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals; Annual IEP goals related to the student's transition services needs; and A focus on education or training, employment, and, as needed, independent living skills (including community participation).
IEP Requirements 1. Evidence of: Education/Training Planning Employment Plans Independent Living 2. Annual Updates of Goals 3. Age Appropriate Assessments 4. Attainable Post Secondary Goals 5. Course of Study 6. Goal(s) Related to Transition 7. Student Invitation to Meeting 8. Additional Service Providers
Will… Join Access Register Practice Read/understand Demonstrate Schedule Learn Receive Prepare Complete Take Enroll Visit Obtain Apply Maintain Explore Participate Use Work Tour Follow Develop Identify Meet
Resources Jump Drive located at each school MDE transition-services Think College Rise Up Mississippi plan-checklists/php NSTTAC I’m Determined MS Choices Google: FREE personality inventory (always choose age appropriate measurements)
Final Thoughts PRINT & KEEP all Transition documentation TOGETHER in a folder very close to the IEP folder! Documentation is MANDATORY! Call or email me for concerns, or counsel. Ask your “neighbor” for input! Let’s be dream makers….NOT dream breakers! Make pAWESOME prints for our Jags’ futures!