Manners of the Masjid
LO: To explore the manners of the masjid. Success criteria: I understand that masjid is a special place. I am able to list few manners of the masjid. I know the duas of entering and leaving the mosque with the meanings.
House of Allah The masjid is the house of Allah therefore we must treat the masjid with the highest level of respect.
Rights of the masjid Pray in the masjid Men and boys should pray in the masjid as the reward is multiplied 27 times. Women and girls may also perform salah in the masjid but they will also get a lot of reward for performing salah at home.
Wear the best clothes. We should go to the masjid wearing our best and cleanest clothes. Angels do not like bad breaths, smelly clothes or socks.
Read the dua before entering
We enter with our right foot and place shoes on the racks.
Do not talk or disturb others We should: Pray Make dua Do zikr
Clean the masjid During the time of the Prophet, when a woman who used to clean the Prophets masjid dies, the Prophet saw her standing in paradise with the dust of the masjid in her hands.
Respect everyone in the masjid Imam Muaddhin Cleaner/ caretaker.
Read dua when leaving the masjid