Over 1 billion Muslims 85-90% Sunni (from Sunna) 10-15% Shi‘ite
Abu Bakr (first caliph, r. 632-634) ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (r. 656-661) Fatima Shi‘at ‘Ali
Twelvers (Ithna ‘asharis/Imamis) ‘Ali was first of 12 imams Last imam disappeared in 10th century, but will return as the mahdi Widespread, incl. majority populations in Iraq, Iran
Isma‘ilis (specifically Nizaris) Living imam, the Aga Khan Focus on inward, private faith Vancouverite Isma‘ilis mostly from India, originally
Sufis suf (wool) Mevlevis
The “Pillars” of Islam Shahada (testimony) Salat (ritual prayer) Zakat (alms tax) Sawm (Ramadan fast) Hajj (greater pilgrimage) la ilaha illa Allah Muhammadun rasul Allah (There is no god except God) (Muhammad is the messenger of God) At dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and evening masjid (mosque) mu’adhdhin (caller) khutba (sermon) minbar (pulpit) mihrab (prayer niche) ‘id al-fitr (feast of the breaking of the fast) ‘id al-adha (feast of sacrifice)
Jihad (struggle) al-jihad al-akbar (Greater Jihad) - against self and evil, for faith al-jihad al-asghar (Lesser Jihad) - military action, within restrictions
Dietary Laws Prohibition from eating pigs, some other foods Prohibition from drinking alcohol
Rules regarding art? Interfaith relations