Yakima’s Regional Commute Trip Reduction Pilot Program An Examination of Non-Traditional Worksites Within the Yakima Urban Growth Area: Agriculture & Higher Education
CTR Program Traditional Higher Education Ag/Seasonal
Alternative Plan Progress Established relationships with eight (8) agriculture related employers and the two (2) higher education institutes. Conducted “windshield” surveys of worksites to develop DAR data. Anticipate future paper surveys to develop VMT data. Our offer to develop maps pinpointing employees home locations to help establish ridesharing opportunities was well accepted.
Changes to Alternative Plan From Original We planned to conduct paper surveys so that DAR as well as VMT could be determined. This was met with some resistance from employers. We proceeded with windshield surveys. Employer Concerns: Disruption of the worksite. Employee Privacy. It is anticipated that as trust is developed, paper surveys will eventually be allowed. No other changes have been made to the original plan.
CTR What Are We Learning About This Experiment What is working well? CTR Program Awareness Benefits to their Business Partnerships (YVCOG, Transit, etc.) Productive Meetings with Employers
What are the Challenges/Obstacles? CTR Program not Mandated for Ag or Higher Ed Employers Worksite Disruption Employers Concern for Privacy.
CTR Concept is New: Benefits are Obvious Is this changing local support for trip reduction? CTR Concept is New: Benefits are Obvious Dependable Transportation Less Demand for Parking Employee Benefits: GRH, Incentives, etc Improved Air Quality
YES Conclusions: Do We Want To Continue the Grand Experiment? Best of Both Worlds Non-Traditional Model Opportunity to Learn from Non-Traditional Employers Traditional CTR Model