Las Posadas En--- nom-bre del Cie-------do Os--- pi-do---- po-sa------da, Pues---- no pue-do an-dar--------------. Mi---- es-po-sa a-ma------------------da.
Who will give ref-uge to those in dis-tress? Two weary Pil-grims need shel-ter and rest. “This is no inn, you must be on your way!” “Please sir, I beg, we can no long-er trav-el this day!”
En-tren San-tos Pe-re-gri-nows!, Pe-re-gri-nos! Re-ci-ban es-te rin-con. Yaun-que-es po-bre la mo-ra-da, La mo-ra-da, Se las doy de co-ra-zon.
Come right in, O Holy Pilgrims, Holy Pilgrims! Come right in and take your place. And although my home is poor, My home is shab-by, It is of-fered with all my heart!