Lord of the Flies Day 4
When you enter class… Pick up Turn in Take out F451 book Unit Guide Comma worksheet
Today Ch. 4 Quiz Symbol discussion Passages analysis practice HW: Annotation Discussion Presentation HW: Read Ch. 5 of LOF Comma Worksheet
Reminders Post essay to mrlevel10.freeforums.net Grammar make-up opportunity on Wednesday, Nov. 28 at 9 a.m. Must attend a Sam session in order to get a re-take No “entry ticket”
Quiz You have one week to make up missed quizzes. Nothing on the desk except the test and unit guide. No pencil pouches or cell phones. Write your name on your quiz. Record your reading habits on your reading goals sheet.
Symbols Any important mentions or progressions with our symbols so far? The conch The beast
Symbol: The littluns How is it described (in Golding’s words)? What do we associate with it? Which of these seem relevant to the symbol’s meaning? Jot down single words it could possibly represent. You’ll make a decision later in the book.
Symbol: Piggy’s specs How is it described (in Golding’s words)? What do we associate with it? Which of these seem relevant to the symbol’s meaning? Jot down single words it could possibly represent. You’ll make a decision later in the book.
Passage: Jack’s kill (69-70) What lines stand out? How does this passage further develop Jack’s character? What meaning can we take from these lines? How does this compare with the scene from Ch. 1?
Passage Analysis Read and annotate your passage. Highlight important words, phrases, sentences Note observations in the margins Consider possible symbols Articulate the main idea of the passage Discuss the passage in groups I’m confused about… I noticed… Questions… Something important was…
Presentation Name the passage. Identify your most important line(s). Explain why those lines are meaningful. Articulate a theme that the passage conveys Identify one other place in the novel where this idea has come up. Listeners take notes on each passage on the back side.