A Day in the Life of a Second Grader
Reading and Writing Workshop Students come to the carpet and sit by their partner. Students listen as the teacher demonstrates during the mini-lesson
During the Active Engagement students turn and talk with their partner about what they learned. Students return to their seats for independent practice.
Component Time Review Morning Work Read Aloud Interactive Reading Interactive Writing Language Skills
Word Study Students learn about spelling patterns and features of words through various activities.
Math and the Common Core Standards Common Core Standards are the basis of our math program Math is now a problem-based framework that is student-centered rather than the teacher-directed approach”
Math: A Problem-Based Framework The value of teaching with problems: it focuses student attention on ideas and “sense-making” This approach takes more time - goal is to develop big ideas/ main concepts Number relationships are stressed since this is the basis of fact mastery
Homework during the week based on individual student needs Need to know basic facts-addition and subtraction using strategies other than counting on fingers Fridays graphing activities
Second Grade Social Studies Curriculum Social Studies combines these subject areas: History, Government, Geography, and Economics Social Studies is taught using the workshop model Language skills – listening and speaking/discussion of concepts
Second Grade Science Curriculum There are three units in our science curriculum taught over the school year. Each area is taught using the workshop model. Earth Science Physical Science Life Science
Accelerated Reader (A.R.) Supplemental Program used to encourage students to read books on their level. A parent volunteer is in the computer lab each morning to assist students in taking their tests.
Common Core Standards To access the standards for each grade level go to: www.gastandards.org