ELL3044 Practical Business English 실용 비즈니스 영어 Bargaining
Warmup Questions 1. Have you ever bargained with someone? Did you get a good deal? Any tips when bargaining? 2. Have you been ripped off? What did you buy? How much did you pay?
Vocabulary 1. touts 2. Can I get it to go? 3. debit card 4. bargain, haggle 5. vendor 6. rip off; (got) ripped off 7. bargain, deal 8. I’ll meet you half way / Meet me in the middle 9. compromise 10. discount 11. pricey / steep / cha-ching 12. cash or charge 13. Can you break a $100? 14. (taxi) fare
cha-ching (informal)
Listening 1. $25 2. $20 3. $550 4. $500 5. Coffee 6. Give you change for a $100.00 7. 82¢ / $0.82 8. mannequin 9. dusty and faded 10. Get a new heel on the shoes 11. It’s pricey
Negotiating / Bargaining
Negotiating / Bargaining Role Playing 1. You need of 3 items. 2. You have 3 items. 3. You must find the seller who has the items you want to buy then negotiate to get the best price for them. 4. You must find the buyer who needs the items you want to sell then negotiate to get the best price for them. 5. Keep track of your purchases and sales. 6. If you are not satisfied with your buying price or selling price…just walk away.
Role Play: Buy low, Sell High Student A: Selling item #1 - a used smart phone Points above $750.00 15 $725 – $750.00 12 $685 – $725.00 10 $600 - $684.00 8 $550 - $599.00 5 $500 - $549.00 2 below $500.00 Sold it for: ____________________________________________________ Rating: __________________________ Total points: _______________________ Student B: Buying item #1 – a used smart phone Points less than $500.00 15 $500 - $549.00 12 $550 - $599.00 10 $600 - $684.00 8 $685 - $699.00 5 $700 - $749.00 2 more than $750.00 Bought it for: ____________________________________________________ Rating: __________________________ Total points: _______________________
Role Play: Buy low, Sell High Student A: Selling item #1 - a used smart phone Points above $750.00 15 $725 – $750.00 12 $685 – $725.00 10 $600 - $684.00 8 $550 - $599.00 5 $500 - $549.00 2 below $500.00 Sold it for: _______________$735______________________________ Rating: ___________12_______________ Total points: _______________________ Student B: Buying item #1 – a used smart phone Points less than $500.00 15 $500 - $549.00 12 $550 - $599.00 10 $600 - $684.00 8 $685 - $699.00 5 $700 - $749.00 2 more than $750.00 Bought it for: ___________________$735___________________________ Rating: _________2_________________ Total points: _______________________
Availability How much? □ Do you have…? □ I was wondering if you have…? □ By chance, do you have…? □ I’m looking for …? □ How much is it? □ How much are you selling it for? Bargain Unfair □ Could you give me a better price? □ Could you give me a discount? □ Could you do it for less? □ How about a discount? □ How about $100 less? □ How about 10% off? □ It’s a bit more than what I want to pay. How about (lower number)? □ It’s a bit lower than what I want to pay. How about (higher number)? □ Is there any way we could bring it down a little? □ Would you accept (lower/higher number) for it? □ Do you think you would sell it for (lower/higher number)? □ Sorry. That’s too much. □ Sorry. That’s too low. □ I’m sorry. I don’t think I could sell/buy it for that much. □ That’s a little too low/high than I hoped for. □ That’s a little pricey. □ That’s too low. □ That’s a rip off. Final Offer It’s a deal □ That’s my final offer. □ (Number) is my final offer. □ $450 is my lowest price but I can’t go lower than that. □ The most I can pay is $20.50. □ Okay. □ Deal. □ Sounds good. □ We got a deal. □ I think we’ve reached a deal. □ You’re a tough negotiator but we got a deal.
It’s a deal. I’m looking for some luggage. I have some. I’m selling it for $250.00 How much is it? How about $220.00? Could you give me a discount? That’s still a little pricey. Is there a way we could bring it down a little? How about $200? That’s too low. How about $190? Do you think you could sell it for $175? It’s a deal.
Remember! There are other sellers (students) around with the product that you have so they may be willing to sell it to you for a price you’d like. Make sure both the seller and buyer are happy. Keep track of points. Don’t spend too long haggling. Any items that you did not buy or sell get 0 points when the time limit is up.
Items for sale
Discussion How many points do you have? top – 90 bottom – 0 2. Did you buy everything you wanted? 3. Did you sell everything you wanted? 4. Who was the strongest negotiator? 5. Who was the weakest negotiator? 6. Were you happy with your purchases and sales?