The Gospel in Philippians
Introduction The Greek word euaggelion, from the same as euaggelizō (to announce good news), a compound of eu (good) and aggelos (a messenger, angel), refers to "good news" (Thomas 2098).
BDAG’s Definition God's good news to humans, good news as proclamation; details relating to the life and ministry of Jesus, good news of Jesus; a book dealing with the life and teaching of Jesus, a gospel account that deals with the life and teaching of Jesus.
Defense and Confirmation The Philippians shared with Paul in the defense and confirmation of the gospel (Phil. 1:7, 16).
Defense and Confirmation The Greek word apologia refers to "a speech in defense" (Thomas 627). BDAG define it as "(1) a speech of defense, defense, reply; (2) the act of making a defense, defense; (a) in court; (b) generally, of eagerness to defend oneself…"
Defense and Confirmation The Greek word bebaiōsis, defined as "confirmation," occurs in one other passage (Heb. 6:16) (Thomas 951). BDAG say it refers to the "process of establishing or confirming something, confirmation, validation." The truth was confirmed through miracles, signs, and wonders (Mark. 16:19-20; Hebrews 2:1-4).
Participation and Support The Philippians shared with Paul in proclaiming the gospel and supporting the same (Phil. 1:5; 4:15). The Greek word koinonia, translated "participation" or "sharing," signifies "fellowship" (Thomas 2842).
Participation and Support How do we share together in the gospel? We may participate in actively spreading the message, or we may financially support others in doing the work of evangelism. Expenditures for such activities may rightfully come from the collective treasury.
Promotion and Progress The Philippians shared with Paul in the promotion and progress of the gospel (Phil. 1:12, 27; 2:22; 4:3). The Greek word prokopē, rendered "progress" (1:12), comes from a root that means "to cut forward (a way), advance" (Thomas 4298). The expressions "striving together" (1:27) and "my struggle" (4:3), both come from the compound sunathleō (to strive with), which is itself derived from the root athleō (to contend, wrestle).
Promotion and Progress In Philippians 2:22, Paul refers to Timothy's involved in the furtherance of the gospel. Interestingly, the concept of furtherance is communicated with the preposition eis, which means "in the direction of, or, into." What can we do in the promotion and progress of the gospel? We should expend great energy and effort in furthering the cause of Christ. We can be goal-oriented, working to a specific end
Conclusion Are we also engaged in the work of defending the gospel? Do we actively preach the work, and financially support others who do the same? Do we share in the promotion and progress of God's saving message?