Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ 1
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ 3
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Followers Expect From Leaders: 4
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Followers Expect From Leaders: CHARACTER 5
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Followers Expect From Leaders: CHARACTER CARING CONCERN 6
1 Kings 12 “Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you.” (1 Kings 12:4) “If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.” (1 Kings 12:7) 7
1 Kings 12 “Tell these people who have said to you, ‘Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but make our yoke lighter’ - tell them, ‘My little finger is thicker than my father's waist. My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.’ ” (1 Kings 12:10-11) 8
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Followers Expect From Leaders: CHARACTER CARING CONCERN 9
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Followers Expect From Leaders: CHARACTER CARING CONCERN CONVICTION 10
Conviction “Let him who would move and convince others be moved and convince himself. Strong convictions precede great actions.” (J.F. Clarke) “What convinces is conviction. Believe in the argument you’re advancing. If you don’t, you’re as good as dead.” (Lyndon B. Johnson) 11
Conviction “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome…” (Neh. 4:14). “Should a man like me run away? I will not go!” (Neh. 6:11) “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:19-20) 12
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Followers Expect From Leaders: CHARACTER CARING CONCERN CONVICTION CHANGE 13
Change “If you would be happy in life remember two things: in matters of principle, stand like a rock; in matters of taste, swim with the current.” Thomas Jefferson 14
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Followers Expect From Leaders: CHARACTER CARING CONCERN CONVICTION CHANGE 17
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Leaders Expect From Followers: 18
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Leaders Expect From Followers: CHANGE 19
Philippians 3:13-14 “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal…” 20
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Leaders Expect From Followers: CHANGE COOPERATION 21
Cooperation “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” (Hebrews 13:7) “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.” (Hebrews 13:17) 22
Government Leadership Gridlock 23
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Leaders Expect From Followers: CHANGE COOPERATION CONTRIBUTION 25
Ephesians 4:16 “…the body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its work.” 26
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Leaders Expect From Followers: CHANGE COOPERATION CONTRIBUTION CREDIT 27
Credit “Give everyone what you owe him…if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” (Rom. 13:7) “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” (1 Tim. 5:17) 28
Leaders and Followers are on the Same Team ____________________________________________________ What Leaders Expect From Followers: CHANGE COOPERATION CONTRIBUTION CREDIT 29
Mt. Everest “You can’t grow any bigger, but we can!” 30