HELIOS AMX5000 Minimax GmbH & Co. KG © Minimax 2009
Topic overview Product information Applications / approval Customer and installer benefit
Topic overview Product information Applications / approval Customer and installer benefit
HELIOS AMX5000 Product information Helios AMX5000: Scalable fire protection solutions for IT and communication centers… Monitoring using aspirating smoke detectors Earliest detection by monitoring the airflow Detector sensitivity not dependent on the rate of wind speed in monitored area Optimal accessibility Normally deployed in - High bay racking, - Electric control cabinets, - IT enclosures, etc.
HELIOS AMX5000 Product information … and special, highly sensitive risks Monitoring using intelligent and extremely sensitive detector heads for earliest fire detection Monitoring of large rooms from a central location Optimal adaptable Normally deployed in - EDP - Rooms - Wind-Generators - Air conditioning systems - Clean Room conditions DÖF Aöf dafla LÄADLFÄALF LÖFÄDLFÄDLFD ÖDLFÖDLFD DÖLFÖDLF
HELIOS AMX5000 Product information Powerful, modular smoke aspiration system Flexibly usable in the most diverse areas of application Suited to almost all object sizes Freely programmable sensitivity settings From low to high sensitivity Modular system Mounting with two different detector heads possible From Spring 2010 it will also be available with CO detectors and four detector areas.
HELIOS AMX5000 Product information Universal aspirating smoke detector newest generation 1 or 2 suction pipes 2 enclosure design variations programmable sensitivity of smoke detector Successor to HELIOS TDS and AMX4002 Use for extinguishing systems (2 detector dependency) Brand name HELIOS VdS G208193 according to EN54 part 20
HELIOS AMX5000 Product information Functional overview Supervised area II Supervised area I Place for plug in modules Smoke sensor I Smoke sensor II Suction pipe I Suction pipe II Cable entry Fan Air flow sensors AMX5000 Mainboard Y-Form (wie auf Rückseite des Melderkastens ersichtlich) Air output Cover AMX5000
HELIOS AMX5000 Product information Smoke detector Chamber 1 Smoke detector Chamber 2 4 device types AMX5001 (1 suction system) AMX5002 (2 suction system) AMX5101 (1 suction system / smoke level indicator) AMX5102 (2 suction system / smoke level indicator) Modular expansion KMX5005 RK (5-Relay-modul) MMX5005 (Memory-modul) Up to 2 x 200m pipe net With SW 2 x 240m
HELIOS AMX5000 Product information very high sensitiv 0.002 %/m Programmable sensitivity 3 smoke detectors OMX5005 (0.5 - 10 %/m sensitivity) OMX5010 (0.1 - 10 %/m sensitivity) OMX5020 (0.02 - 10 %/m sensitivity) Lowest pre alarm 0,002 %/m Planning and configuration HELIOS PipeCalc (Calculation-SW of pipe net) HELIOS Config (configuration software)
HELIOS AMX5000 Product information Relay Card Modul Memory Card Fan Easy Config Panel HELIOS Config (PC-Tool) Smoke detector I & II Suction hole
Topic overview Product information Applications / approval Customer and installer benefit
HELIOS AMX5000 Applications IT rooms and racks Clean rooms, laboratory
HELIOS AMX5000 Applications High rack storage facility Museum, special rooms
HELIOS AMX5000 Applications Room protection High rack stock facility Suspended ceiling and raised floor IT rooms Clean rooms Airport Cold storage house Special protection IT racks Power stations VdS G208193 EN54 part 20 Class A, B and C
Topic overview Product information Applications / approval Customer and installer benefit
Modular, flexibel, passend HELIOS AMX5000 Customer and installer benefit Modular, flexible, fitting Modular, flexibel, passend Customer benefit Modular flexible Aspirating-System with highest sensitivity Flexible use for replacing older systems and adjustable to every level in the area Optimal solution for small and tall areas Silence fan, optional 10 level smoke indicator Free programmable pre-alarms for shutdowns and early warnings High class protection IP54 Newest VdS approval EN54-20 class A, B and C
Modular, flexibel, passend HELIOS AMX5000 Customer and installer benefit Modular, flexible, fitting Modular, flexibel, passend Installer and service benefit Simple software free commissioning possible Easy to handle configuration software available Adjustment to ambient conditions by programming of fan power and / or detector sensitivity Event backtracking by data logging up to 1 year (data logger) OK-button UP-button
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